Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Take My Stash GIVEAWAY

As the seasons change
so does my love/hate relationship
with my creative stash
I get so disgusted with
myself for having so much stuff
I have not used
I get tired of opening my drawers and peeking into
my baskets and seeing the same ole stuff
it frustrates me
Since my juices are flowing in a whole new direction lately and I have virtually stopped scrapbooking (sad but true)

I have LOTS to get rid of.
Want some ????
This pile of goodies badly needs a new home
if not you......maybe a friend...you have at least one crafty friend....right ?

To enter the giveaway which will end on Sunday

leave a comment telling me if you or your crafty friend will get the goodies if you win.

Now Listen UP ....... to get 3....yes THREE additional entries.....sign up for the JaneSays/JaneSays Vintage email list....there is nothing but good stuff in there......news and the best part...discount codes only for YOU !!! Just shoot me an email or etsy convo....tell me you want to sign up and that you entered the giveaway by commenting....and volia !!!! 4 entries....just like that.

All Halloween goodies at JaneSays are 50% off and all books at JaneSays Vintage are 25% off.....and of course these sales are a tad bit juicier for subscribers (wink)

have a happy day

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Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to use these items! They look really cute in my scrapbook stash!

Christine =)

Jaime said...

I want to win so badly...and while I may share some with a friend...I think most of it will be for me. :-)

Beth said...

What fun! I don't scrapbook nearly as much as I used to - but I would happily split the stash between myself & my two sisters-in-law.

Unknown said...

Oh, pick me, pick me! I love goodies! I have to be honest though, I covet all goodies for myself. I might share them (if forced), but truth be known, probably not. (grinning big)

Katy said...

Neato neato! I'm such a crafty gal and would have so much fun with this stuff, I'd also give some of it to my scrap booking sister. Fun giveaway.

sarah said...

I'm a novice scrapbooker but I have a girlfriend that would use this up in no time! Great giveaway!



Just Me said...

Looks like a fun little stash for mama and the little dooka!

Kelly O. said...

I think I would share the winnings :)
I have some crafty friends that would love me (and you, for that matter) forever if I did!
Thanks for the chance to win :)

Anna Marie said...

I would definitely be the one using them. BUT...I also might share a few things in there. I too, have a stash that is overflowing and sometimes I get "scrapper's block" because of the overwhelming amount of stuff. Thanks for offering this ;)

Anna Marie said...

I just sent you a convo via Etsy to be included in the newsletter. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, scrappy goodness... what a fun giveaway!

I would share with my two crafty sisters! We do a monthly swap of embellishments... and anything goes ~ from traditional embellishments to handmade tags, and found objects like antique keys! These goodies would sure keep us out of trouble for a while!

~Nancy ngiles@golden.net

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I would Love, Love, Love it! I'd share and make things for friends and post PIFs.. oh, I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

my stash is VERY old... so id love win!! i may share with a friend, maybe not ;)

Naomi said...

I think I would keep all those goodies, since I moved to college a few weeks ago and couldn't bring any of my craft stash with me (I'm having withdrawal symptoms!)

Naomi xx

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

How generous of you to give away all of those goodies!! Honestly, I'd go thru and keep the ones I know I would use and give the rest away on a site called Freeshare. It's a site that I used to help moderate whose mission statement is to keep as much stuff out of landfills as possible and to reduce, reuse and recycle. I've gotten rid of countless wonderful things that I just had no use for any more thru Freeshare. No money is allowed to exchange hands and no profit is made by the owner of the site. Just a bunch of citizens trying to save the environment. : )

~ Wendy

carly smith said...

oooooohhhhhh, i'd love to win those goodies. and, in a way i would share.... i haven't scrapbooked since high school, but i make cards, and then send them to my beautiful friends....so we all get to enjoy them :)

carly smith said...

i'm sending you an email to sign up for your lovely letters :)

Deb said...

Mom and I will definitely use these goodies when we meet up for Thanksgiving!

We're both a fan of yours!!


LeeLu Creations said...

Oh! What a fantastic giveaway! I would be honored to have your stash. For extra points, I noticed that we are fellow North Carolinians.... ;>)

Thanks for sharing!

Margaret said...

What a great giveaway. I would love some new goodies. I am trying to get caught up on my 2 kids scrapbooks before the new baby comes. Then I will have 3 to work on!

My Happily Ever After said...

That looks like such a fun giveaway! I signed up for the vintage as well :)

As for what to do...my little son has quite a few little girlfriends that love craft time at our home. Those items would be very much used, creating cards, projects and some fun kids projects! So fun!!

JaeJay said...

I would love to give your stash a new home! I would use some of it, and share it with my 2 scrappin sisters.

Summer said...

Mmmm..how about your lovely cousin? I will use your old scrapbook items to make beautiful pages of my new house and maybe even a few pages of your daughter (that should butter you up ;-) And by all means add me to the email list. I look forward to living close to you guys soon!

Molly said...

I could use these to finish a scarp book I started a few months ago. And I'd probably pass some around for my sister to use :)
~Molly P

Anonymous said...

I would use those crafty goodies :)

jepeuxetsy @ yahoo .com

Anonymous said...

(3 extra entries)

Just convo'd you about your email updates :)

jepeuxetsy @ yahoo .com

BlackCatMima said...

Oooh - so fun! I would keep some and share some because that's just what I would do. Thanks for the chance to win! xx

Casey said...

It is worth a try. I have won one of you other giveaways a long time ago. I am trying to get back in the scrapbooking routine. Hopefully this will provide some inspiration.

Cora Anne Designs said...

Ooh, I would gladly add those items to my stash! :)

Karin Schueller said...

Do I get less "points" if I admit that I would NOT share? lol I want to win!!! ;) Okay... I'll share just one piece. ;)

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

WoooHOOO!!! New stash opportunity!! Sure!! I would love to enter!!! It would have to be somebody that I really, really, really love to share them with though.....But I would share!! I'll convo my email! The more chances the better!!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I need a little me time every now and then. Now is a good time to really dig in! Your stash will help!!

Happy Fall

Anonymous said...

what a great stash! although i am sad to hear you scrap less, i would be sooooo willing to take that great stuff off your hands.
i love both your etsy shops!


Makin' Me Crazy said...

I would loooove to win your stash to add to my stash......fun:)


Unknown said...

If I were to win this stash I'd definitely be sharing with my favorite sister. Awesome stash =)

~Isabel said...

ME! MEE!! MEEEEE!!! :)

And i signed up for your email! :)

I'm still a newbie at the scrapbook thing...i still glue stuff to the table and my fingers, but i'm getting better!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a generous girl, that stuff is way cool. Oh and b.t.w. that little blue basket is so darn cute:-)

Leen said...

Great stuff!! I would share them with my BFF. She's 800 miles away and she would love a surprise package from me :)

KEB said...

I have a half done scrapbook...these would come in handy!

Beca said...

I would totally use these!! I think your stash would suit me just fine!