Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stupid Dog ???

You have met her....our new black and tan weenie dog.
She is a little crazy.
Kennel training simply did not work for her.
She is not a kennel dog.
Kinda like I am not a wool sweater kind of girl
it just does not work for me
and kennels don't work for her.
She goes ape.....completely berserk
So after speaking to a dog trainer as opposed to out vet ( which of course pushes kennel training)
we came to the conclusion the kennel was out and she suggested we keep her in our largest bathroom.
So we do
and it has worked well.
I mean.....she is a pup....she messes...but is manageable as opposed to the kennel
which she could turn do not need all the details.
Each day Daisy is put into our master bath.....which has a separate little room
where the toilet lives and its VERY IMPORTANT that that door be closed or
Daisy and the toilet paper have a complete BASH.... ALL DAY ~!!!
Ahem.....Hubs is the putter upper of Daisy each and every day as I leave first to take
the chap-ola to school.
Today was the THIRD day in about a month that Mr. JaneSays oooops...forgot
to shut the toilet room door.
As you are already imagining today Daisy turned the toilet paper into a fine as dust pile in the floor.
I do I do I do leave this mess for hubs to handle when he gets home....its the least I
can do to enforce the proper behavior........right ????
I'm wondering....upon his seeing this disaster each time.....why is it the dog that is stupid ???

Silly husband......

have a happy day

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fine Art Of Eating

I LOVE to eat
I LOVE food
I love southern .....fried.....greasy food
I love snacking before meals...after meals...all around meals....
I know it's bad....I just can't stop
Potato Chips and Ketchup
One of my favorite snacks
salty yuminess
and lil' pizzas made of saltine crackers...ketchup...and a quarter of a slice of American Cheese
pop it in the microwave to melt the cheese.....heaven.

Whether I have a witness to this or not I do not know
I try to do it in a stealth mode
but I sometimes eat with my fingers....I am not scared to pick up
a pork chop and bite it....I'm a lady....I do use a fork....just sometimes
Oooh....I have to ditch the fork.

I occasionally smack ...... I know I do....hubby tells me....I even hear it sometimes
good food deserves a lil' smacking.....Mmm Mmm...good !!

I can not drink water with meals....blech
I gots to have my sweet tea.....except for fajitas when I have to have Pepsi

I simply refuse to eat the end of a chicken finger....where that little
tendon thingy plate looks real crazy after chicken fingers with all
those bits lying around.

I may very well use 6 napkins at one meal.....I'm messy...and Chloe is following right along behind me......nice.

Eating.... I love it
Its my little peculiarities that make it so enjoyable
I want my food the way I want it
and I want to eat it the way I want to...fingers and smacking and all.

If you have an over the top sinful snack that is a lil' unordinary that I must try..... do tell.

have a happy day

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I LOVE Chicken Wraps

Chicken Wraps
Love em'
Teriyaki Chicken Wraps
One of my faves
and a good way to sneak in some veggies on the hubs and the kid chop chop chop
onion as much as you like....I do half of a large one
bell pepper....I do half a large one
squash....a whole one
zucchini....a whole one
and anything else you wanna throw (sneak) in

Chop chop chop
chicken....I do 2-3 breasts
grab grab grab
salt only if you think the salt in the soy and teriyaki wont' be enough...I use NO salt
pepper....a pinch
I have the onion powder out because I did not have an onion normally no onion powder needed
garlic powder....the recipe calls for 2 teaspoons....I only use a half of one teaspoon
soy sauce .... one tablespoon
teriyaki sauce .... 3/4 cup
rice ..... 1 cup uncooked ----- cook according to box directions
the cajun seasoning is something we love and I throw a dash of that in
ok....lets cook
toss your chicken in a pan with some olive oil
shortly after you get it goin'
add 1/4 a cup of the teriyaki sauce
this is where I add a little cajun seasoning you can certainly omit this
meanwhile....get your rice goin'
when your chicken is done....remove it
and I cover mine with foil to keep it HOT
add a little more olive oil to the pan
and throw in your veggies
along with
the rest of the teriyaki sauce
soy sauce
and seasonings
when soft....remove and same routine as the chicken...cover to keep HOT
when your rice is ready
its chow time
layer it up
pile it on
eat it up
enjoy !!!!!
have a happy day

Monday, September 14, 2009

Books Giveaway

Love the Berenstain Bears....I sure do.
Go here to A Frugal Friend to see how you can win 4 of their newest books.

I hope you win.....well no not really...I hope I win....kidding kidding
We would all enjoy these delightful books...good luck!!

have a happy day

Sunday in the Studio

Sunday in the studio
Chloe and I
waiting for daddy to finish primping
so we can head to church
a busy place this little studio
its my own studio and I could sit in here and
look at stuff.....forever
these lovely hoops were a breakthrough for me
if you know anything of my KNOW
I do not dabble in these colors
a lovely customer sent me
a photo of her daughters bedding...and asked for 3 hoops
my first thought was.....oh boy.....I don't have any fabric at all
to match that.......a shopping we will go
I had sooo much fun making these hoops
stepping outside my crafty pink yellow red green teal box
it was fun....a create something in colors I normally do not even see or notice
could you just bite these or what ???
strawberry ornaments
have no idea what they will become...just had to have em'...wouldn't you ??
owl towels for a very unique bride to be
this special order is for cousin who just had the BEAUTIFUL wedding
her buddy Maggie is getting married soon and these are for her.....if Summer sends me any photos of Maggie's wedding I WILL have to share them...she is the most darling and fun and funky chic...her wedding will have to be delicious !!!!
I have no clue why I needed these.....
I don't know if I can part with them or not
had no idea fabric was ever sold like 3 yard bundles
these are from Woolworth
beautiful yummy fabric....and only 47 cent a to me baby !!!!
If you have to have these and you have oodles of money you want to give me for them...let me know.
Cutie pa tootie
Yummy in my Tummy Butterfly
I had full intentions of turning this into something sweet for the shop
its another one of those goodies I think I have to keep.
The Cowboys and Indians sold in the vintage shop I promised Chloe one of each color and a horse before I packaged them up
She YeHaaaaaaaaaaaaweedd....all morning long.
have a happy day

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Did you know if you place
your average run of the mill
plastic toy cow on the stair rail
he will slide all the way down

His ear will leave a streak on your already filthy wall
but its funny
Laugh for
Laugh at
Laugh with your kids
have a happy day

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Five On Friday

Fred Flare
A fun shop
with oodles of fun goodies
A fun lil' place to browse around
Camera Bib
now that is just plain adorable
What ??
remember the cinnamon we made
back in the day....yum !!

Sugar sweet ice cream timer
I've been thinkin' I need something
CUTE to let Chloe know when her Wii playing
time is up.

Stop it !!
so your syrup never settles at the bottom
Genius !!!

What is is about a chunky pencil that is
so comforting....oh those grade school days.
These would be GREAT for the kiddos.
have a happy day

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Creative Genius

I like to think I am creative
A genius.....maybe not
but creative YES.
I pull ideas from everywhere
I mostly have them when I sleep
which results in many a restless first hour of every night
When an idea or color combo creeps in I have to get it on paper
quick....before another one comes and sweeps that one away (and this phenomenon is getting worse with age)
This is my inspiration board
where I stick goodies
that make me smile
make me wanna make something
it doesn't really have to be an idea...just color
or something special from a friend
Chloe crafts (the BEST )
or a photo of a lovie dovie
even a sprig of ribbon
anything can foster creativity
There are MANY jewels up there from Shelly
my crafty soul mate
Shelly and I spend many an hour....talking
sharing ideas
talking about our kids
helping each other.....she is a big motivator and inspiration to me

speakin' of Shelly
eat your heart out.....feast your eyes on the lovely
journal she made just for me
so anyway....let's bring this post full circle.....
what inspires you ??
do you have an inspiration board.....if you do, what's on it
Do you know a creative genius you would like to give a shout out ( I can't believe I just said shout out) to.....comment about us to their work...we would all love to see it.

have a happy day