Thursday, August 27, 2009

Disney Pt. 4

and just like the vacation itself
the vacation photos must come to an end
Chip N Dale
Do you know which is which?
I was the wiener mom that asked
Chip has one tooth and a black nose
Dale has two teeth and a brownish pink nose
The chipmunk in the middle is my favorite
she has a mouth full of teeth and a darling pug nose
I can see permit time coming already
G and I in the passenger seat
gritting our teeth and pressing our braking foot into the floorboard
as if we could stop the car ourselves
oh dont' laugh at know you have done that.
Chloe was chosen to OPEN the bird show at Animal Kingdom
Flights of Wonder
She was instructed to yell
On With The SHOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW and open the curtain
she was so very nervous
the Disney dudes in the funny pants gave her the I am with my camera ready
knowin' she would bomb......Ha....she yelled in her loudest voice
Let The Show BEGIIINNNNNNNN.....ya.....she still worked
and I was soooo stupefied....I completely did not snap my camera.....dang it
I just stood there smiling....yea...that's my kid !!!

after I recovered from the utter shock

I did manage to get a photo of her opening the curtain

(I have no clue why blogger started double spacing me here.....Grrrrrr)

I was so proud of her...and we got to sit in the front row.....which is a great seat when

there will be dozens of birds flying over your head......if you like birds

Animal Kingdom
by far the hottest place its just so humid there
Chloe sported a wet paper towel on her neck all day....whatever it took.

Block Party Bash Parade at Hollywood Studios
by far our favorite parade
action packed and great music
Look at fat lil' tater' head
Amazing performers...mind you its near 95 degrees and that is HOT black asphalt
and they are wearing some hot non-breathing fabrics.....sheeeesh

One of the best moments of the vacation

At Disney ( oh look...double spacing again....nice ) Disney you hear so many different languages and accents and when I hear them I take notice

in line at this particular eating spot...I heard a British accent say.....

Sloppy Joe.....what is a sloppy joe?

Ha.....I was so so happy to explain a sloppy joe to him......I love sloppy joes

Its ground beef....mixed in a sauce....tomatoey....brown sugar...mustard...kinda sweet

He said...."oh...kinda like chili? ha.....yea...kinda like chili

subtle reminder of how individual we all really are...even though we share this place called Earth .

He got the sloppy joe....I hope he loved it.


If you have always wanted to know more about home schooling or have anything you can share about it...please scroll down and share and learn. I appreciate all the GREAT comments and I am taking them all in.....I may be contacting some of you.

have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I would let you know that Chip has a Chocolate Chip nose! That's the easiest way to rememeber! Love your pics!


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