Tuesday, July 21, 2009

T.G.I F ( The Girl Is Five)

My Beauty turns 5
Nope....can't believe it

I did not do one BIG party this year
I have done those every year since her birth.....I'm tired of the whole party thing
It's expensive.....it's over so fast.....and honestly Chloe just does not need to be showered with gifts.
This year we are doing mini celebrations....all week.
We took Chloe and one buddy to the Zoo ( will post that soon)
and her grandparents on each side are doing their own little shin-dig for her.
On this particular night we had dinner with Pa Pa Jay at TGI Fridays
and then following that up with a small spree through Toys R UsI will be the first to admit.....I am not crazy about posed planned photos
I like to catch people experiencing life.....
like for instance....what happens to a little girl's face when she knows she is about to
have a little shopping freedom inside Toys R Us.

Ha !! Completely Giddy !!
Ants in the pants and a smile on the face.
Both are still with us......the ants so much that right now (10.39 pm EST) I hear her...upstairs.... wide awake....running through the halls in anticipation of her REAL birthday .... tomorrow.
I always go up and take a photo and video of her in her bed, asleep the night before her birthday....from the sound of it....it may be long night for me.
Happy Birthday Chloe
have a happy day


  1. Those are the best pictures ever!!!
    Happy 5th birthday Chloe! WOO HOO! Have fun tomorrow!

  2. CHLOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Happy happy HAPPY birthday, sweet girl!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Chloe. My oldest will be 5 this year. He should still be a baby.

    I don't blame you with the party thing. For my daughter this year everyone just dropped by when they wanted to on her birthday. My son's will probably be the same, because our new baby is due 2 days after his birthday.

  4. Oh Happy Brithday little Chloe!!! I remember when my baby sister turned six and went to kindergarten, I cried all day long. They grow up so fast, why can't they stay little forever! Have an awesome day with your little sweetie!!!
    ~Molly P

  5. Your blog is SO very cute! Chloe is just precious.

    I'm new to blogging and I'm trying to give my blog a makeover..I love your header and was wondering where you got it...or who did it for you? I need help:)


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