Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Kindly Thank You Dinosaurs, Bats and Rake

Thank you Tyrannosaurus Rex
Thank You Stegosaurus
Thank You Triceratops
Thank you black Halloween bats
And last but certainly not least.....
Thank you yellow plastic garden rake from MeMaw for your un-selfish giving of your time Saturday afternoon
to help me paint my little house spice shelf
that Mom picked up at an antique shop for me
Its been sitting in my closet since Christmas....waiting....
Without you....the pesky breeze would have blown the newspaper right onto my paint job.

You were all so patient....sitting there for an hour....
in the fumes....and sacrificing your natural color to become a fancy schmancy shade of
robin's egg blue.

Eat your heart out ladies....

each and every house....perfect...unblemished....
Thank you so much mom...

and thank you dinosaurs....bats and rake
have a happy day


  1. ugh, that is RIDICULOUS cute. I am horribly jealous. You suck. In a good way. Cant wait to see the rest!!! yay!

  2. oh there it is!!!! i LOVE it!!!!! wow. lady. if you knew how jealous i that the one you saw a while back with your mom???

  3. I love it!
    Are those homes ceramic?

  4. OMG adorable, and gee whiz those dinos are soooo sweet and kind to hang out for the long haul.

  5. So cute I love it, I wanted to also stop by and say thank you for my cupcake stuff. Sophie just loves it. I enjoy your blog very much.
    Thank you again

  6. Well, there's no doubt that your shelf is cute, but oh my goodness I have never seen those spice houses and they are absolutely adorable!!!! I think you picked the perfect color to show them all off!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.