Sunday, April 26, 2009

Eye Candy...Better Late Than Never

Easter like any other holiday
has a routine
The Saturday before Easter
Chloe and I go dye Easter eggs with Nana (my mom)Chloe got a fun basket from Nana
I promptly kidnapped the cute chicky-poo
and she is happily sitting on a shelf in my studio
We dyed a dozed eggs
and had dye left-over
and the crafter in me...could not let it go to waste
we dyed some yarn
We dyed some muslin
I always think the eggs look a little strange...all speckley
if you know how to avoid that....clue me in
Perfect ending to a perfect day
Put egg on your nose...and cross your eyes....don't ask me...she is 4
you know how that goes.
have a happy day


  1. oooh cool, I didn't think to dye other things. I'm so doing that next year!

  2. She's so cute! Yes, sillyness is a 4 yr old thing isn't it.

  3. What a great idea -- to use the dye! I can't wait 'til next year!!!!

    As for the speckles... hmmm... ours don't do that. Do you put vinegar in your dye? Are your eggs completely cooled? So curious on that one!



Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.