Sunday, March 8, 2009


there is fabric in my sink.....desiring to be rinsed and dried and ironed....ugh!
there are walls begging of a sponge and some soap ..... or even better a fresh coat of paint

there are floors threatening to let me fall right thru them if I don't sweep them soon
there were bubbles that needed to be blown

and little feet that needed to stroll....for 5 30.......

Saturday just had to happen the way it wanted to.....
have a happy day


  1. We all have to "let go" a bit, once in a while. And beside us - our kids benefit from that too!! Happy day.

  2. Thats about the way it is around here. It is just too nice to be in for long periods of time. It won't get any better tomorrow either, because it is my hubby's first day off in about 2 1/2 weeks. I am sure we will spend most of it out playing.

  3. you have to be outside when it is nice...i wish i could come over and iron the fabric with you....i love a good crafting party!!!

  4. Maybe I'm copying someone when I tell friends who visit and see a messy house that we built this house to contain our lives ... not become our lives. I ask myself all the time will I have the opportunity to do this in 10 years? Good for you for making the best choice!

  5. That's an adorable post, I look forward to checking out the rest of your blog...and am now an avid follower!

  6. What a beautiful reminder that sometimes... life needs to happen while other things wait.

  7. I love the photo of all your yummy fabric in the sink...I would come over and iron it if I lived closer! :)

    I just wanted to say I've really enjoyed your fun blog!

    Hope your day is great!



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