Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh My Gosh I am stunned
and speechless
If you really don't like rodents (like you Shelly)
don't look HERE

have a happy day

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cuteness and a Giveaway

Yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am doing great...really I am
The finger is coming right along
Thanks to all of your for your concern and advice for future use of my sewing machine
I do promise to be more careful

Our after-school project for today..Mr. Froggie Frog
We're gonna grow this froggie a nice head of hair
I think these creatures with the grass growing out the top are so cute...and fun to watch
and they are fun to do can pick up your at Hobby Lobby

A little Easter treat from Mom for Chloe and I
I love chicks and bunnies

My darling wormie pin arrived from Creative Paper Trail
I have been oooh-ing and ahhh-ing over her pins for a while and I had to get me one
just look how cute he is.
Gonna be so cute on one of my tote bags.
Love to read ??
I am giving away my copy of The Secret Life Of Bees
I am always at a loss for what to do with a book when I am finished with it
I just don't like to collect novels...and you don't get too much for them on ebay
Makes me sick to take a perfect book to a second hand shop when I can share it with a friend.
So...I am going to give it away to one lucky bloggie friend.
To win...leave a comment on this post of your favorite book
To get an extra or twitter about this giveaway and link it back here in the comments.
I will pick a winner on Sunday.
Good Luck
have a happy day

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along

Last night was proving to be a productive and nice night
Watching my tivo'd episode of Greys' Anatomy
Hubby on the laptop nearby...the occasional chatter
finishing up a set of lovely towels for a new customer and starting a new batch
Cozy Cottage
Yummy Cupcake

and turned on me
I heard the loudest...most awful...clunking banging sound
I felt pain..I said a bad word....hubby jumped up...grabbed shoes...jacket..."we're goin' to the ER"
I looked !!
I actually sewed my index finger on my left hand to a towel a calm panic ( yea that's what it was) I knew I needed to turn the knob to raise the needle out of my finger
There....did that...but where is the needle....oh ...nice...
in my finger...and broke in 2
I had 1 entry wound on the top....and 2 exit wounds on the underside...2 pieces of needle were sticking out of the fingerprint part of my finger....still trying to figure out the mechanics of how it worked out that way....I dunno??
"Garren"...I said to my husband..."you have to pull this out"...I am thinkin....I am not goin' to the ER for this..
I grabbed a pair of jewelry making pliers and some tweezers....
and Garren ( with me freaking out all the way) did get both pieces out...yowza !!!!!!
ok....good....we had it all under control...until he called his mom to tell her of our eventful evening....and out of her mouth came..."has she had a tetanus shot??"
my in-laws came up to stay with our sleeping little one...and off to the ER we go
So....I was expecting to see all sorts of drama....I have never been to the ER
nothin'....there was nothin' goin' on ....and it still took 2 hours
They X-rayed my finger...still a tiny piece of metal inside...Doc said it would be more trouble for me for them to remove it than to just leave we left it
I got my tetanus shot....and infection instructions....and home we went.
Slept horribly.....sore as heck today....shot location hurts way more than the needle wounds....I heard that was a painful shot.....and boy....that might be an understatement.
I have since made up with my sewing machine...finished the towel I was workin' on ...... keeping that one for a reminder not to get too cocky with the ole sewing attention...not watch any show with Patrick Dempsey on it while sewing.....and to be thankful for my calm and quick acting hubby.....who babied me all night....Love ya sweetie.
have a happy day

Monday, February 16, 2009


do something good
do something because you care

Go to one of these shops and give what you can to help build Cora's Playground

You can see my previous few posts for Sweet Cora's story.

Thanks and have a happy day

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cora's Playground Launch

Tomorrow is the launch of something very special.
Some fabulous etsy shop owners...most of them strangers to each other and to the family of Cora
are teaming up to bring you an opportunity to do something wonderful.
Many of you by now have read about Cora Paige
If you have not here and here are 2 places you can go
to find out more about this special and so so sweet little girl
who lost her short battle with cancer just days ago.
A Memorial had been established for the construction of a playground
in sweet Cora's honor her life.
Please visit any of the SHOPS participating and buy 2 3 what you can...but mostly PRAY for this family.
thanks so much
have a happy day

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Heart Ya'll

Happy Valentine's day to you all....from Captain Mis-Match....the defender of fashion challenged beings everywhere !!!!

have a happy day

Friday, February 13, 2009


Friends are like a quilt with lots of different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns of fabric. But the end result brings you warmth and comfort in a support system that makes your life richer and fuller. -Suzanne Dale Ezell

Please remember Cora's family and visit their sites and/or click the Cora's playground button in the top right to give to Cora's palyground.

The Macs

Cora Paige

have a happy day

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cora's Playground

Some days ago I learned a little girl named Cora Paige...Sweet little Cora.

You can go here and here to learn more about Cora.

A playground is being built to honor the life of Cora Paige.

What can you do?
First you can pray for all who know and miss Cora and you can pray about what God would have you do .........You can make a donation there are buttons on the pages linked above....You can click the button in the top right of my blog which will send you to an etsy search page where oodles of wonderful etsy shop owners are selling goodies from which some or all of the proceeds will go towards building Cora's Playground.

do what you can....this is such a sweet way to honor an amazing little life.

have a happy day

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Congratulations have won the pile of birdies. Contact me via email by clicking the link in the corner...or thru JaneSays and get me your address.

Thanks so much for reading Fresh and Fun

Have a happy day

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well ok.....

So...If I tell you (my readers) about this.....I get an extra entry....and get to go enter too.....Super Cute Hat Giveaway by Blue Corduroy....go hurry....good luck.

And while you are at sure to head over to My Lily Eden for the 7 Days of Giveaways...shooo shooo now git !!

have a happy day

and a BIG Thank You to our neighbors.....

Chloe has been asking for some time now for a dog
A Chihuahua (Wa-Wa) to be exact Saturday....Garren comes inside and lures us into the great outdoors
to the neighbors house
with the promise of a cute little something
Yea...its cute alright....and silly....and clumsy
and it smells so puppy good
and he LOVED him some Chloeand Chloe loved her some puppy
We have been struggling with getting' Chloe a dog
we just don't wanna break Lei Lei's heart...cause you know
Lei Lei is my girl.
Have you brought a puppy into your home with a well established dog?
How did that go?
because watching all that go made us weak.....cant' help it.
Don't forget the giveaway
Scroll down !!!
have a happy day

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bird Watching Giveaway

Crafts....confetti...or kids?
Tell me by commenting on this post....what would you use this pile of birds for...should you win them ?
Crafting...Ooooh they are great for that ?
Party confetti.....too cute?
Add them to the kiddos craft stash....Chloe likes to simply give them to, have a little bird...she gave my Grandpa a whole family of birds just last night ? I'll randomly pick a winner on Wednesday

Several hundred birds could be flying to you.....tweet tweet !!
Have a happy day

Monday, February 2, 2009

Spendin Some Time

After the depressing news earlier in the week
I thought Chloe and I needed to spend some time
Sure...we spend a lot of time together
but I meant a project.....let's make sumpin'
Birdseed my latest issue of Family Fun

Preheat to 170

get some cookie cutters...the small one actually proved better
I used a 2 inch and 3 inch and a 4 inch

Some birdseed.....once again...smaller is better...they held together better.
Pam or some sort of Grease
drinking straws
ribbon or yarn
mix 3/4 cup of birdseed
1 Tablespoon of Flour
2 Tablespoons of water
This is a good job for your little stirrer.....
and you don't really have to stir it all that long..
but its a good distraction for the little ones while you grease the cookie cutters
line the pan
cut the straws
and make sure the oven is ready
so....keep stirrin' Chloe

Pack the mixture into the greased cookie cutters
which are lying on a foil-lined baking sheet.
Stick a piece of a drinking straw where
you would like the hole for the ribbon or yarn to be
bake them for 1 hour...or until hard
mine were hard after 1 hour
The recipe makes two 3 inch biscuits or one 4 inch biscuit
So we made several batches
After they cool...remove the straw and add ribbon or yarn.
NOTE...they are very fragile...the above step may be a good part for you to do....2 of our larger ones broke....however, the tiny ones were fabulous.
Once strung....take outside and hang where you can watch from you home....I love to watch birdies eat.
These would make really cute gifts for teachers and for grandma.....but be sure to mark them FRAGILE.
to unwind from all that baking we set up the Valentine treat assembly line
and 25 treat bags later....
Check that off the list......check.
enjoy !!
Have a happy day