Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh Dear

Recall the family room re-do
Family room re-do pillows....
and my PRECIOUS precious.....
Family room re-do rug
Not so precious.....
the previously mentioned PRECIOUS Chloe...
perched her bootie upon the coffee table last night
tipping daddy's drink onto the.....Ahem....beautiful family room re-do rug.
I no means do I have a kid-un-friendly house
I know I know...with kids....things are gonna happen
but.....I am just not ok with my poor poor rug.
So in my panic...I did not run to the laptop and google
jute rug....tea stain.....nope ( which may have been the best thing to do)...I immediately grabbed the Resolve and went to spraying...
and scrubbing....
After some drying....its not looking so good
G takes beautiful rug upstairs to the big tub....gonna scrub and rinse....good.
Aghhhh.....its looks like this now.....notice the attractive water line...
So help I take it to the cleaners ??
Wet the whole rug...and see if I can get it one color all over??
Oh....please don't say buy a new rug.......but if you are gonna say anything at all
say it quick....I'll be out buying a new one tomorrow....the anal in me HAS to.
have a happy day


  1. We got a new rug for our great room..... I've been so paranoid (which I'm normally not) about something being spilled on it..... When we purchased it, we decided to just 'go for it'. Hope it lasts awhile.

    Good Luck

  2. Oh no! That's totally something that would happen around here. Try what you can...then if your attempts may want to consider something low maint...or scotch-guard? Good luck, sweet April. Let us know....

    LOVE all your new v-day goodies.=-)

  3. Oh, I am so sorry.... (secretly relieved that I am not the only anal person!)!

  4. Were you able to find a pink bird of some sort? Are you going to make one?
    I bet it will look great, whatever you use. You have a great eye!

  5. I would have been the same way with the rug!You have company!!!

  6. We've had this happen and tea/coffee spills don't come out easily. If you can find a brand called Ban-it (it's a laundry bar) I would wet the whole thing down and use a dish brush to work it in.
    Good luck--the resolve may have however ground the stain in if it has amonia in it... sorry.

  7. hehe I'm with Kate and feeling sercretly relieved to know that I'm not the only anal person as well :)

    I would try creating a paste of baking soda and water to see if it will even lighten the stain line and then flush it and maybe hang it on the shower curtain rod to dry and see if it evens out. I hope you find a cure for it!

    PS. I just discovered your blog and etsy shop. I own and stargirljoolz & myfredandginger on etsy and that's how I discovered you! I'm so glad! I'm really enjoying your blog and I just know I'll be here all day reading back through all your posts :)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.