Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brace Yourselves

Brace yourselves they said......A Winter Blast is a comin'
Oh boy....last night as we ate dinner I peered out the little
Italian restaurant's window and thought now nice it would be if it would begin
right now.....how nice to sit here and eat my lasagna and garlic knots and
watch the snow land softly on the ground
but it was yet a few hours off.
We went to bed last night and as anyone living where we live knows....you can never really
be sure you will get the snow until you see it with your eyes.
Oh.....the letdown......Oh so sorry Chloe....my sweet little child who has
never played in more than 1 inch of snow....ever.
Oh brace yourself honey.....NO SNOW !!!!!! Here is our snow......Yep.....that's it.....all of it
As our luck would have....some force of nature came along and blew the storm a little south
and then a little east....leaving us with nothing more than a little dust

Instead of happily pulling on long johns....boots...and hats
Sweet Chloe plopped herself on the couch...bare feet and all and played a little Build-A-Bear

If you live in a land where you get a lot of snow...I know our depression seems crazy....but geeez...we never get snow...always left out....always skipped over....darn weather patterns.

If you have some right now....won't ya send us a little.....just enough for one snowball
Thanks...that would be GREAT !!

have a happy day
Pin It!


Just Me said...

Ugh! Be careful what you wish for!! Poor Chloe though, I understand her pain...

Anonymous said...

Please come and take some of mine!!! NE Ohio has plenty to spare!

My poor Chloe has yet to go out in it though. (I do not do cold weather, plus she's had a terrible cough)

Does Chloe like the Build a Bear game? Mine has talked about it, but no one we know has it to find out if she would like it! =]

Trish said...

Hmmm... with the right amount of dry ice I could probably send you some! :)

Michelle said...

I'm right there with you! I was so looking forward to having another day off and making some snow cream to enjoy on the couch, in my pajamas. Oh well....maybe we'll get more snow soon!

Chelsea Van Tol said...

we have about 4 feet of snow sitting around on any given day, so i can spare enough for your sweet girl :)