Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Not ?

Maybe I am the last to know this
I was reading Home Life magazine this morning.....and stumbled on a bit about a site called GoodSearch.

Instead of google or whatever search engine you choose.....when you use GoodSearch 1 penny is given to the charity of your choosing for each search......I know does not sound like much...but you KNOW how pennies can add up.....I watch it happen in Chloe's piggy bank all the time.
So....why not GoodSearch.....I am.

It also said in the article that you can add your child's school or perhaps a small charity you are involved in......I did not investigate this.....but if it interests you....check it out.

Do something good....every chance you get.

have a happy day


  1. what a great idea, april! never heard of it, totally out of the loop...will have to give it a go!

  2. never heard of it... REALLY great concept... big thanks for the tip!

  3. Goodsearch is a GOOD idea. Thanks!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.