Saturday, November 8, 2008

Some Fall Fun

Thank you so much Amy of Stinky Toes Design shop and blog
for this sweet fall goodie package
How is it that people you have never met personally can do such sweet things...
that touch you deep down
its like they know when you need a pick me up
This package....especially the bread *yummy* came at such a perfect time
Thank you dear friend.
Now go to her shop...there is a delightful and cute freebie with every purchase. Yummy bread.....a sweet birdie....and some vintage goodies......definitely fall fun..
Thank you Amy
This afternoon we hopped in the car.....all of us...Lei Lei too
and headed to our second favorite spot for boiled peanuts
(our favorite spot is in the mountains where we get our Christmas tree each year)
This quaint little market is called appropriately, the Old Store
They carry all the seasonal goodies....mums and pumpkins in the fall
Christmas trees, wreaths and cider in the get the idea
I am sure you have a spot just like this near you....and don't you just love it ?

Oh boy !!!
trust that this bag was not this full for long
we munched on these all the way home
I love the ones that pretty much pop when you open them and the salty water drips off your fingers.....
Delicious Fall Fun

have a happy day


  1. If those are boiled peanuts,,,I love them. I beg my grandmother to make them all the time!!

  2. i am so glad you liked the package!!! i was just wanting to send some love your way.

    you know, i have never had boiled peanuts...but, they sound good!

    talk to you soon!

  3. i bought you a present to send the other day but it is not nearly as sweet as that one. :)

  4. The Old Store... what a stop... i would love to meander through THERE!

    that package and that little bird from STD... too sweet!

    love to you!


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