Friday, November 14, 2008

Birds and My Favorite Christmas Word Giveaway !!

Welcome to Friday.....
You made it
I want to show you my newest design...maybe you have seen it
maybe not
The Speak It Birds.....cute little birds
that talk. This bird says "be kind"
she as well as the one below are on their way to one of the sweetest and dearest people I have "never" met.
These are going to hang in her sweet daughter's special.

so sweet.

This little fella' says "wash your hands"
On its way to the bathroom of one of my 2 BEST "Computer buddies".

The current speak it birdie I am working on whispers "say your prayers"
Very cute for hanging over your child's bed....a gentle and sweet reminder to you kiddos to say their prayers.
I am very happy to do custom speak it you have something you would love for one of my birdies to say for you.....let me know.
Now.....A GIVEAWAY.....I am giving away my favorite Christmas Word
Christmas is a time for JOY
for so many reasons.....first and foremost for the birth of Christ
and I know you have many other reasons.
To win this sweet JOY Ornament.....leave a comment telling me your favorite Christmas or Holiday word and if you have a reason...tell me why.
Winner will be chosen Sunday
have a happy day


  1. My favorite Christmas word is "Jesus". He really is the reason for the season. The celebration of his birth. Oh man, i love Christmas and can't wait!!!

  2. Your birdies are sooo sweet!!! If this baby is a girl, she's going to hate birds by the time she's two cuz I'll have them all over her room, her clothes and anything else!! Yours are espcially adorable.
    My favorite Christmas word is closely related to yours--HOPE. That's what Christ's birth gave so many people; hope in the coming King who came to change the history of mankind! And, oooooh, the hope that He brings into my life is beyond my wildest imagination.
    Love your JOY--and I love cardinals! So I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  3. Love love love your birdies, dear friend that I feel like I've met. =-) They will be treasured.

    Love the "wash your hands" and "say your prayers" too. Oh...endless possibilities... xoxoxo Happy weekend.

  4. my favorite Christmas word is PEACE...taken from the advent...knowing Christ means peace for me....i love Him...


  5. My favorite Christmas word is "Believe" - because I still do and always will!!!!

  6. my favourite word is "give". why? because that is what the season is all about! giving.

    ps: little birdies are so precious!! :)

  7. Favorite Christmas word:

    Everyone needs to be full of cheerfulness during the holiday season! (Oh, and Rejoice is another great one)

  8. Emmanuel...God with us!!
    Lovin those birds!

  9. My favorite Christmas word... "candlelight". Candelight services, Candlelight dinners... One little candle makes all the difference in the world!

  10. Noel. My stepdaughter had me sing this over and over again when she was little. A beautiful word for our Savior's birth. :)

  11. Oh, my goodness... JOY is my favorite Christmas word!!! I just made a Christmas banner yesterday that says JOY on it. I won't put it up on my blog 'til after Thanksgiving but it will be there then so come by & take a look!


  12. hey!! i can not wait to get my overly anal "WASH YOUR HANDS" birdie picture...hehehheh, my guests will be like.."Oh, that Shelly and her crazy germ phobia". I just LOVE it, thank you!!! And, i love that lil ornament....hopefully you didnt pick a name yet!!! Count me in!

    I love the word Merry....


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.