Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Mantle

Through-out December I will be sharing some of my favorite Christmas Decorations
What better place to start....than the mantle.. I am just lovin' all these colors together...
couldn't you just eat my Christmas Countdown Pom Pom Garland.....very simple to make...
sting you some pom poms and get the crazy numbers from Elle's Studio and some tiny clothespins....voila !!
have a happy day

Saturday, November 29, 2008

"the" tree

The day after Thanksgiving each year
We drive to the tranquil mountains of NC to get our Christmas Tree

love love love roadside stands (shops)

and JUMBO they were

for the boys

last year this was a mountain...
this year they have cut thru it for a road......amazes me
Can't take curvy roads......don't come hereTree Farm
been in the car a while
so run....
and run.....
and run....
Going down the mountain

time to pick out "the" tree
Chloe felt sorry for all the little stray branches....
we brought them ALL home

and an 8.5 foot beauty of a tree
wrap her up boys

need wreaths...or garlands...or hot cider....enter these cute little cottages

maybe next of these young little fellas will be "the" tree
have a happy day

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pre-Trimming the Tree

Let the preparations begin
Chloe and I made some ornaments this weekend
You can make some too
Its super easy
let me tell ya how
Here is what you need clear glass ornaments
Paint...choose your special Christmas Colors....up til now Christmas around here has been shabby and green....this year Chloe wanted to spice it we have added some spice !!
rubbing alcohol for cleaning out the ornaments prior to painting.

and kids in chairs...I only had one....use as many as you have available.

remove all the hangy things
After putting a little alcohol in each and swirling it around a bit and pouring it out.
place them back in the holder to dry.
now the fun part.....get your paint and your kids in chairs....add the paint
in any order and amounts you like.
kinda drop in right inside on the edge and let it run down. turn it.....and turn it add all the colors you like and turn til its pretty covered.
This may take a while depending on the consistency of your paint.

Let them dry...with the opening upside down in the tray.
After a while I laid then all aside...rinsed out the tray and put napkins in the bottom of each cup to help with soaking up the excess paint.

After they completely dry....put the tops back on and voila !!
Fresh and Fun Christmas ornaments....and some fun for mom and the kid in a chair.

Look how pretty......
the odd ball in the middle was broken.....which reminds very careful !! sure to let the kiddos express their matter how bad you do not want orange or silver or shrek green in your Christmas decor....notice how the colors changed as we went.
now go have some fun
All Holiday goodies at JaneSays 20 Percent go get some of those too.
have a happy day

Friday, November 21, 2008

Eye Candy

We were strolling on a boardwalk at Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach SC.....

you know this caught my eye
It an is a blurb about it's history from wikipedia:

The Baden Band Organ was built at Waldkirch Baden, Germany by A. Ruth & Sohn, who hand-carved its ornate figurines and decorations from wood. The organ was first exhibited at the World Exposition in Paris in 1900. After the exposition, it was moved from town to town in Europe on a wagon pulled by a team of six horses. The organ in 20-feet long, 11-feet high, seven feet deep and weighs approximately two tons. It has 400 different pipes, 98 keys and still operates with old-style cardboard music, most of which was composed more than 50 years ago. The organ remains in excellent condition, complete with twirling ladies and cherubs that play cymbals, bells and drums.

Below are some photos of this visual treat....and a video from youtube so you can hear it.

Enjoy !!

Don't the colors make you just wanna go make something...I'm off to the craft room.

Oh Yea...and don't forget the Thankful For You Giveaway...get details by clicking the button in upper right.

have a happy day

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We Are Cookin Up Something Good

Thanksgiving is upon us
and to show you how much we appreciate you and your business and support
The sweet sweet Shelly at Lemon Tree and I are cooking up something good.
Just For You.
Go to JaneSays and/or Lemon some fabulous goodies...and for each item...yes each item you purchase your name goes in the pot for these yummies below.
We will add all names from all purchases from November 19 - 26. is the fun part....we will not be announcing or notifying the of you will simply be SURPRISED with this package of goodies....and thanks to the wonderful technology of tracking.....after we know the package has been received...we will tell you who the lucky ducky was.

Now get shopping......

have a happy day

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Enjoy !! Especially you moms.

When you sit and hear your Mom speaking to you when you were a child....what can you still hear her saying ??

have a happy day

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Random Post......What's Been Goin On ??

It has been a busy week
mainly because Lollishops opens for me this Tuesday...I am part of the beta group...we are gonna go in there an open up shop and help the developer get all the bugs out. Lollishops is scheduled to open offically on the 28th of November.
and NO my etsy shop, JaneSays is not goin' anywhere.....I will now have 2 online locations one on on lollishops....exciting huh?

As will many of the shops you have grown to love on be sure to go see whose there.

This delicious fabric arrived earlier this week....I am re-doing my family room.
We are taking our home off the market for the I am sprucing things up a bit...and I can't wait.
Amy...I think of you each and every time I get my hands on some vintage yumminess.
My hubby's grandmother passed away earlier this year....and Chloe has promised to care for some of her vintage ornaments.
These sweeties will all be on Chloe's tree in her room.

Mmmmm we did indeed have some homemade sloppy joes...on bunz as big as Chloe's face.

Chloe's toy of choice all week.
Fill it with junk and run through the house at speeds usually not allowed in the house...but I have been too busy to stop her.

See what I mean busy busy busy.....this is the scene every day.
A winner...yes I have a winner for the JOY ornament.
Ashley who commented:
Favorite Christmas word:Merry!Everyone needs to be full of cheerfulness during the holiday season! (Oh, and Rejoice is another great one)
Congratulations Ashley and thank you for reading my blog....please contact me with your address thru JaneSays or the get in touch with me button on the right.
have a happy day