Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Chloe and I made a trip to one of our favorite spots to buy new books today I wish she would save them for bedtime
So we would have new books for days

but no...we have to read them all when we walk in the door.

Read to your kids

Encourage your kids to read

Let your kids see you read

have a happy day


  1. Oh this is so true. My husband and I both read, and have always read to both our kids. My dd is 10 and reads at least an hour before bed every night. Now her younger brother (7) is following in her footsteps. I cannot tell you how many things she has learned from books. She routinely amazes me with her incredible knowledge of all sorts of wonderful things. :)

  2. We love to read and find ourselves at the Library for hours pouring over books. I've done that with Jackson since he was a baby and now we take lil' miss with us. She even has her own library card at 6 months ;)

    I usually have my limit of 50 books checked out at a time!

  3. my eldest has started reading to ME... what a joy!

    i love the feel... smell... sheer goodness of a new book!


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