Sunday, September 7, 2008

It Has Been One of Those Weekends laptop decided to fry itself from the inside....she is on her way to the HP laptop fixing place tomorrow morning......she could be gone 4 weeks. Yikes !!!!!

Get better fast baby....we will miss you so.

So in the meantime....Dad was kind enough to lend me his laptop.....I have to get some camera and photo editing software in this baby and we should be in business....

JaneSays and the blog will both survive....

Thanks dad......

Oh and if you have a minute....swing by my good buddy Crystal's blog....the cutest goodies popping in her shop this week...go get your sneak peek.

have a happy day


  1. What a nice dad :) I don't know what I'd do if my computer went out! YIKES!!

    Hopefully it's something easily fixed.

  2. oh, computers..they make me so mad! i feel SO bad for you, sister! you must have a sweet dad like mine.....

    love the new treats from crystal...she is just a barrel of talent, that girl.

  3. Thats great of your dad. I have a HP too and I've had nothing but trouble. I had to send it to HP in Poland after Christmas but luckily they only kept it 3 days...amazing! Its playing up again, I can't use it without having it on charge all the time as it switches itself off so I'll have to get in touch again :(. Definatley will never buy a HP again even though I have a HP camera and printer.

  4. what a dad... woo hoo... love that!

    may your computer have a happy... speedy... cheap repair! :)

  5. Ah computers! I couldn't live without them!

    I nominated you for the "I Love Your Blog" award...see my latest post for details!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.