Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well Said.....

Wow...look at me go.... 2 posts...short ones but posts none the less....and all before 9:00
I am truly on a's going to be a very productive day.
I want to share with you this post
From the What I'd Like For You To Know series over at Rocks In My Dryer
The Author, The Queen B, just puts the feelings of a mom of only one child into such great words.
I feel just the way she does about all the aspects of have only one child.
Garren and I have chosen to only have one child.....the reasons are good for our family....we know what our family needs.
In some ways I feel like "we" (parents of one child) have it good....and on the on the other hand there is a great deal of guilt and worry that comes with it too.
Whether you have one child or 15 this little goodie and it may just help you see the world of parents with only one child in a different light.
have a happy day


  1. What a great post! Thanks for sharing with us!!! That was alot of great information...if you ever need me to write about Military misconceptions...i will gladly do it!!! haha

  2. Off to read it... I am also a mom to only one little boy and love it :) I feel blessed everyday, as you do as well, I'm sure!!!! xo!

  3. I haven't read your recommendation yet, but as a grown up only child I can confidently tell you to not let anyone make you feel guilty for only having one child! Nothing to feel guilty for at all! Your child is lucky to have you guys for parents:)

    Ok, now I am off to read!

  4. I felt a little tearful reading that but it needed to be said. I think people are blessed if they have 1 or 20 as there are those that can never even have that one :(. I know 2 people like that, their partners have passed away... it is so sad to see :(

  5. did you know exactly how I feel?! You are just such a blessing! Matt and I are in the stage of thinking we may only have one child too - and it does come with guilt and worry! Oh - I am glad I have a friend that I may need to come to!!
    And thanks for the encouragement with my new etsy shop!You are such an inspiration!


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