Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Together Tuesday

So our Tuesdays together are winding down.
Chloe starts her last year of preschool very soon.
Yep...I'm saying the same thing all of you are....where did time go?
We will still have afternoons though...she only goes to school half a day....yipeeee !!!!
Not to worry....the together tuesday madness will not end.

So....you know we did some shopping today...
first we hit the craft store.I am not a fall person...nor a winter person
It is VERY HARD for me to create with the color palettes of those seasons.
As you know if you have visited JaneSays....I love bright happy springy color.
Let the creative block begin....Hopefully these goodies will give me a much needed jump start.

Oh Target....how I love thee......

that pack of 5 notebooks......50 cent....holy cow...Great for Chloe to tote around.

This is the new paper I just put in the shop......just try not the FALL in love with it.....for Fall colors its not too bad.

go get you some......

ladies....I need some advice...how do you clean an iron.

My iron is filthy from accidentally ironing the wrong side of heat n bond and stuff like that too many times.....any suggestions ??


have a happy day


  1. Sounds weird, but I took some sand paper to mine because I did the same thing, and it worked great! It didn't even scratch it up!

  2. Super cute craft goodies! I bought the same Owl stickers last week :)

    Cleaning irons is NO fun! I've read that coarse salt works on cleaning the iron plate. Make sure your iron is hot, add about a Tbsp or so of the salt sprinkled on a paper or cotton towel, and gently iron with no steam on at all!

    Have a great evening!!

  3. there is some iron cleaner goop in a toothpaste type tube at fabric stores that works really well (done the heat n bond thing too many times too.)

  4. They carry a small tube of iron cleaner in the stores.. It is a little white tube with red and blue writing (cant think of the name)...

  5. Glad to hear a mom say she ISNT ready for her child to go to school. My girls started today and I was SAD. I have cleaned my iron with a steel scrubbing pad which worked well. It scratched it slightly but if you are super gentle it wont too much. Sounds like you have plenty of options to choose from.

  6. I don't know how to clean an iron, but I do know how to eat those Cheeto Puffs!! Yummo!

  7. i wanna go out shopping with you on tuesday! FUN!

    when my iron got dirty...
    heated it up really high... that got the goo soft... rubbed it off on an old towel... good luck!

  8. it's probably like a curling iron with hair spray all stuck to it? i just use alcohol!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.