Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thirty WHAT ?!?

Happy Birthday To.....Me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my birthday.....however.....ONE of you will be receiving the gift.

A customized Sweet Birdy handtowel.

If you win you choose the color combination.....and a sweet birdy towel will be on her way to you.
How do you win?
Leave me a comment telling me if we were the BEST of friends ....what gift under $20.00 (because I would love a new mercedes...but let's be fair.....) you would give to me.

On Sunday I will choose the gift I would most like to receive and yes I will be completely honest....and the imaginary buyer of that gift.....wins the towel.
What happens if 2 of you buy me the same gift that I want the most.....I will resort to the old name draw.
So let's go !!!!! Some real gifts I have received from friends......
My Best friend Amy found this jewel in my etsy favorites and sent it my way.....if you have not checked out Fallon's pillows at Olive.....go NOW !!
I love this beauty.

and....from on of my 2 virtual best friends....Shelly at Lemon Tree......once again she sends the kinds of cuties you don't wanna unwrap.

a box....slam full of crafting goodies !!!!!
I have all intentions of using most of this for my personal scrapbooking.....thanks so much Shelly Belly.......You are a Treasure !!!!
Oh yea...and there is a GREAT sale in the shop Today too....
don't forget to comment....
have a happy day


  1. I would take you out for a pedicure!! That's my favorite present:)

  2. What in the world!!! Happy bird-dayfirst of all...and can it be that i am actually the first responder now... i am probably in line as you have many followers..and you will approve the comments....if not.. i am dreaming i am first anyway.. okay..imaginary presents.... we would find someone to watch the kiddos...and then you could come to my house because the movers would be at your house... so... brunchish...we would have croissants with yummy chicken salad, parfaits with fresh fruit and yogurt... sweet tea to quench..and some yummy chocolate cake...that's where we would sing..happy to you!! You would open a present..... i would have made you a joxlette for the bow....and inside would be a home made giftie card for etsy..something for your new home... remember..the movers are at your house... and by then our people watching the kiddos would probably want in on some cake...... my love language is gifts of time...and something that a language??
    So Happy Imaginary Birthday!!

  3. I would fill a box with misc. thrift store usable finds to create really cool stuff...I would also throw in a gift card for 10.00 to ACMoore or Michaels!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY....Hope you have a greatone...

    The towel is so adorable, I see it hanging over my oven door right now!


  4. I would take you out for ice cream since it's so hot here in Florida and who doesn't love ice cream.

  5. Happy Birthday!
    I hope the day is exactly what you want from it!

    for your gift...
    a personalized this...
    a fun colorful stamp pad too
    a BIG bucket of hugs!

  6. Oh I must tell you since I feel we LOVE the same things I would get the kids together with a great sitter and we would go out for an enjoyable afternoon....during that afternoon I would give you some precious birds, flowers and even the lil hoot owl pillow we all want but dont really need....have i painted a great picture if not imagine a box full of stuff like this.... and just when you thought it couldnt get any better there would be some unreal funfetti cookies in the package..if you have never tried before you need the recipe especially with kids...have a great one happy birthday i LOVE the blog

  7. hmmm....20 bucks, eh? How about 20$1.00 scratch off lottery tickets......and if ya win, you don't have to share with me! Sweet of me, isn't it?

  8. Oh jeeeez I want to win that birdie towel. This is fun but kinda, sorta hard.
    If you were my best friend I would make you a yummy lunch with chicken salad sandwiches on croussant bread with fruit smoothies, topped off with a cake by me (Im great a cakes by the way).
    The gift itself would be a 20.00 gift certificate to that fabulous pillow store on etsy....omgosh, what fabulous pillows and with such cute ones you need more than one...right? By the way...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  9. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!! I think I would probably buy you a subscription to a magazine, such as Martha Stewart or a scrapbooking mag! It's the gift that you get every month for a year! What could be better!?!?!?

  10. happy birthday!!!! i would take you around to my favorite garage sale spots....:)

    and, i sent you a little something in the mail...besides the camera! i left it on my desk before the trip to CO!!!

    hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday to you!!!
    Well let me think, I'm a thrift store junkie so I would get you a bunch of items and fill up a goodie box with things like material, rick-rack,lace,candles, a good book and anything crafty I could fine. Then I would bake you a red velvet cake!
    Hope you have a great B-day!
    Blessings, Karen

  12. Hey April!

    It looks like we are both lovely leos! My birthday was August 4th :)

    For your birthday I would send you a paper pack from the new line from Sassafrass Lass called POCKET FULL OF POSIES! [as soon as it's released]

    It's so lovely and if the 12x12 paper pack is not under $20 then I'd get your the 8x8 or 6x6 paper pack and some great fibers!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday April!
    30? You are still just a baby...*smiles*

    What about a $20 gift card from Target!!

    Have a great day!


  14. happy birthday!

    i don't really know you at all (except for secretly reading your blog everyday for the last few months)so i don't guess i could be super impressive or on-the-nose with a gift...

    but i LOVE giving magazine subscriptions as keeps giving for a whole year! so, for you, i might choose rachael ray magazine, lots of delicious recipes and beautiful points of inspiration.

  15. Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Well, my favorite thing to give my friends is from "Origins" and it's called "Birthday Suit" - a wonderful, silky spray you use right out of the shower and it smells awesome :) and I would also give you some "Peace of Mind" gumballs from there as well.
    I love giving aromatherapy goodies!

  16. I've been thinking and thinking of what I would like to receive and what I've realized is that while there are many things I'd like, gift cards and such... nothing would mean as much to me as time with my family and friends. So, my gift to you would be a birthday party. It would have to be a potluck (to keep cost under $20.00), and all of the guests would be instructed to bring one of your favorites. Envision, chicken fajitas, chips and salsa, cotton candy, pie and of course a big ole birthday cake! My actual physical gift to you would be a collage/scrapbook of all of the pictures from your party!

    Happy (belated) Birthday!!!!

  17. Welcome to the 30s! It's great, believe me : )

    Hmmm, what would I give you....well, I would probably make you a picture frame, since that's my new found craft passion. And I would bake you the carrot cake cookies I just posted about last night. They are tooooo die for!!!

    Happy birthday to you!!!

    ieatbooks at msn dot com

  18. I'd get you this:

    Cause I think it's so cool and have been waiting to give it to someone as a gift!

  19. Happy Birthday Girl!! I would make you a special birthday basket filled with all natural herb teas and some Herby Bath bags and your favorite scented candles!!
    Have a great weekend:)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.