Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Let's Catch Up....

I know...I know...I am a slack blogger.....
My apologies.
Sometimes what's going on in the "real" world....is just too good to take time out.
Chloe is just growing up so fast.....and I feel more and more each day like I had better soak it up.
ok...enough of my whining and excuse making(wink).....let's catch up.
We had did a lot of reading.
I have a lot of trouble keeping Chloe in new books
I read to her and she reads to herself so much that the books get old to her rather quick.
Two of my favorite places to get fresh new books are the Goodwill and Tuesday Morning.
If you have not been to Tuesday Morning for books.....you must go.
Nearly every large hardback book is under $5.00.
and the stories are precious....and they all come with wonderful dust jackets which I love and Chloe immediately wants off.....we have a stack a mile high in her closet.
At Goodwill all kids books are 50 cent...you cant beat that with a stick.

We drug out the water slide.....you can't tell it from this shot....but Chloe has completely outgrown this bathing suit....and simply refuses to wear her bikini...wonder if she will refuse to wear a bikini when she is 16 ??We rode scooters and big wheels.
I know...can you believe I just now became the owner of a die cutting thing-a-ma-jiggy??

I love this baby......look for all kinds of new goodies !!

Big Shot = easy and fun !!

My vintage cotton ribbon arrived today.....ooh ooh ooh I love this stuff !!

Some fun new goodies in the shop......

A fabulous organizer......for all kinds of things.

BOO Blossoms....crepe paper yumminess !!

Told you I was putting that Big Shot to work......too much fun and so easy !!

Halloween Kits are on their way !!

BOO !!!!

and I repeat....I love my new Big Shot.

Nursery Rhyme Posies.

have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. vintage cotton ribbon? hmm...i need to find that goodness!
    i am SOOOOO hoping to win your towels at on the dot...really. i keep checking the winners...i am a little OCD about it...
    love the summer pics of chloe bug...she is a doll baby.


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.