Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Party Is Over and Its Already Tuesday

So the party is over.....we all survived it.....some of us barely.
Chloe is officially 1...2....3....4 today, that is how she does it...counts each year on her fingers.
This photo from the day after says it all.....I feel a tad bit deflated......still.
Parties kick my butt.
I get way too uptight about way too much.
We had 33 people....all of which were well behaved with the exception of a couple (wink wink...Amy and Crystal...you know who I am talking about)
I need a pick me up after all that hard work......Hmmmmm??
Yea !!!!!!
Let's get a Wii.
Oh my gosh.....I know, I know... we are the last people to get one.
Garren has the playstation 3.....Chloe has all her do-dads.....I have my paper and fabric until now.
Now I have my Wii.
I love this thing.
If you have the Wii fit....let me know what you think before I run out and buy it too.

Together Tuesday shopping...

let's just say after the big bash I am completely spent out.

we only purchased the bare minimums today.and since today was Officially her birthday .... Chloe picked up a few more goodies.
Last but not least.....a great shop on etsy has hopefully only temporarily closed.....to focus more on life in general....having an etsy shop takes a lot of time...those of us who have one can tell you that.

Well...this Awesome lady sent me all her already made stash for FREE.......I thank you so much !!!

How lucky am I?

I have said it before I'll say it again.....I have simply met the BEST people thru JaneSays and my blog....You know who you are and I CHERISH you all.

have a happy day


  1. It was Crystal that misbehaved, wasn't it? LOL

    It looks like you had a great time. She is very lucky to have a mom who puts so much time into such a wonderful party!!

  2. when i read the wink, wink behave part...i laughed OUT LOUD. i got your back, sista. my turn next week.

    oh, you are the best.


  3. Have fun with the Wii. I think we are actually the only people who don't have it!
    What is the cool green and white round yummy-ness above the couch? Love it!

  4. girl... you are NOT the last to get a wii... we STILL do not have one. i am afraid i would never be able to drag hubbie away from it! :)

    i just love your style... your home is soooo much fun. oh btw... i am so with you on the slip-covered furniture. i do not know how i could manage otherwise! :)

    yippee the party is over... and i am certain it was a big hit!

  5. lucky you:)

    oh and we don't have a wii either

  6. I hope your daughter had a great birthday!!! My son turned four in May and it was quite emotional for ME... 4 seems so old all of a sudden, doesn't it?! It would be nice for them to stay little forever:) xo!

  7. You aren't the LAST ones to get one!! We just got ours last week!! And let's just say that I am totally addicted!!!!

  8. wii is fab. just be careful when you get enough remotes to box with G. your arms will be worthless noodles for no less than 1 1/2days. :)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.