Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Let's Begin With Together Tuesday and End With Dang It Shelly

Change of scenery this morning as we had breakfast at Bojangles instead of Panera Bread.
We had a jelly biscuit....Chloe was not so happy with that....she truly wanted a bagel.
Back to Panera Bread next Tuesday.

We then got Chloe a little hair trim....my stylist cuts it for FREE....gotta love that.

Later in the day we met my mom at an Antique Mall uptown.
Once again....can we sell this house already.......I wanna shop for my home for crying out loud....I simply refuse to buy "house stuff" for a house that is on the market. Doll case.....how much do you love this?
I love old toys....looky at this fun duck family.
Sweet hangers.....
Lovin' this play toaster so much...those are truly JaneSays colors.
Got $95.00....then you could own these.....Beautiful.
I am still kicking myself for not bringing this home......I may have to go back. Spice houses....only $45.00....I am crazy huh?

She is a lamp......very cool.
This shop has a very creepy and creaky upstairs.....I have a fear that the whole floor will give way when I am up here.
ok.....so remember I told you we were growing butterflies.....well our first batch is here....
see the 2 empty chrysalids....3 more to go.
I know it is kinda gross looking....but I thought you might wanna show your kiddos.
The red stuff is not blood....its leftover pigment called meconium...that did not go into making the wings.
here is one of our babies....sitting on a tissue soaked with sugar water....that is what they will eat while here with us for only a few days.
We will be letting them go very soon.
Outdoors they will only live a few weeks....isn't that so sad.
this is our next batch of caterpillars.....they are growing very fast.....
in the next few days they will crawl to the top of this container and attach and thus begins the pupal stage.
when that is complete we move them to the butterfly pavilion where in 7-10 days we will have more butterflies.
It's very interesting and Chloe has enjoyed this so much.
If you would like more information.....let me know.

A sweet little bag I made for myself....I very seldom do that.
I think I will use if for when I take my lunch to work.

Crystal....Chloe wanted me to share these with Moses,.....Chloe's Wall-e crocs.....I told ya'll she was crazy about that little guy.
Wii Fit.....I finally got my hands on one....thanks Mom !!

an early birthday present to me from me....my Target was out of them today.....my Mom's had 10...by the time she got there....they only had 2....and one of them is mine.... (evil laugh)

and now for the DANG IT SHELLY....I will be needing that Wii Fit for sure
You and your yummy oh so sinful...delish Puppy Chow.....

This girl is always talkin' about some puppy chow....so me and Chloe made a batch today....boy is this stuff good.

this was the scene all day.....hands everywhere.

Dang It Shelly

have a happy day


  1. CUTE finds at the antique mall! Love those vintage toys and hangers!!

  2. heh hehehehehhe ahh ahahahahah!! I TOLD you! GOtta be careful with that stuff....baaad addictions will start. Now, can you figure out why anyone would want to put butter in there when it's so tasty without it?? Seriously.
    OK, if you don't go back and get that spice rack houses thingy, I'm gonna drive over there and get it myself! I am not joking around here! I want it if you don't. I'll pay for the shipping, too. I LOVE that doll case too....how much was that? Throw that in a box, too. OK, what next.....oh, I love those tulip salt n pepper shakers, too...but $95..? Hmm. Naw, I have way too much vintage china. This could be like April's Home Shopping Network. Convo me!

  3. I just adore old toys too! Your antique store looks like a fun place except maybe the upstairs.lol
    Hope you have a great day! Blessings Karen

  4. oh...that looks like so much fun! looks at all the treasures...
    and the yummy treats...oh, i love the mix...yummo.


  5. What a great post! That doll case is gorgeous! The butterflies are very intriguing. I love the idea of raising them up like that. Do you raise different kinds or are they all the same? And, uh, what is that chow, not sure if I should really know as my will power has gone on vacation this summer ;)

  6. puppy chow is awesome!! and that stuff you found at the antique mall is adorable! i especially love the doll box!

  7. i am SO with you on vintage finds!
    those ducks... i don't think i could have passed on those... so fun!

    REALLY want to know about the wii fit... please DO let me know what you think! i need a fit SOMETHING!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.