Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The DMV was time.
License Renewal.
Oh Joy !!

I have not renewed in 8 years.

We go so long between renewals in NC....I nearly forget about it....until the cold and unfriendly postcard arrives.

I put it off as long as I I needed to be getting that task accomplished.

Lucky for me...

I have a cousin who is a DMV officer. I called Cindy up...she was expecting me when I arrived.

I walked in and was asked to have a seat in the waiting area.

I could not help but notice all of the beady eyed teenagers...waiting, with a parent...fidgeting in their seats....FREEDOM is close....they can taste could see the nervous excitement in their eyes.

It reminded me of being 16......getting my if I stepped in a time machine...I shot straight back into my little 2-seater has such a good smell.....but it was a straight drive (maunal).....I hated that thing. How was I supposed to talk on my bag phone and find Bon Jovi on the radio if I had to change gears?? HUH??

What a rush it was to get in that car and drive somewhere ..... alone. I remember loving going through fast-food drive-thrus....and having all the responsibility of ordering and paying to myself. I was an adult !!!

back to reality....eye test and sign test complete...I passed again. Thanks for the new license...finally an updated one with my new (4 years old) short haircut. I get so tired of showing my license and people have cut your hair. Nah... I wore a wig for my license.

So I renew again in another 8 years....I will be 43.

WHAT ?!? 43....really?

What will I be doing when I am 43? What will Chloe be like? Will my parents still be alive? Will the world even be here?

on the drive home.....I found in me a little appreciation for my trip to the DMV today.....It allowed me some time to think back and smile at my youth.....and made me aware of the time we are each given....and the fact that is passes so quickly. We all know this fact....but at times it just makes itself more if to say.... Hey You....patch up holes....give all the love you have....and live it and live it well.


  1. 8 Years is super long... In Toronto, it's 5 years.. Stupid me got my notice and put it and now I have to start from scratch!

    I literally will be sitting with all the teens taking the written test and that image scares me!

  2. Ah yes, nothing like being 16 and getting your license for the first time! Untill you are on the other side and you have a 17 yr old driving around *ugh* then the grey hairs really start:P

  3. i love the way you tell it. i always wonder about different things and what life will be like when "the next time rolls around." every christmas i put the ornaments away and think, what will life be like next year when i open this box to decorate our tree? many situations take me there including the expiration date on my drivers license. great story today!

  4. oh my word!!! I LOVE THE NEW BLOG!!! It looks AMAZING!

  5. Oh the DMV! You lucky girl knowing someone there!! And I have to say I LOVE LOVE your new layout! That is sosososo YOU!!! Love it- it makes me feel happy...and FRESH...and FUN!! Woohoo!

  6. Oh April, your new blog looks great! It's so welcoming, love it!


  7. Your new blog is so cute! I enjoy reading your posts! Have a great day!

  8. your blog looks amazing!! I love the new look:)

  9. clicked my way to your blog - its Fabulous!!

    your shop is amung my favs on etsy, and I'm sure I'll be visiting your blog again and again and again!

  10. Oh, now....what is THIS fresh, fun, pretty, awesome, FABULOUS new look...I'm lovin' it right up!! It just screams A.P.R.I.L....yum yum!!
    I got my renewal thingy comin up too, being an Auggie bday girl, ugh, not looking forward to it cuz I know I will prolly FAIL the eye exams, I am always squinting, but have never had to get glasses---yet. I think I'm gonna wait until the very last possible second to renew. That's how much I despise it. Happy day!!

  11. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!
    seriously... wow! i LOOOOOOVE your new blog design! how fun to have a fresh look! how awesome!

    you go girl! happy day!!!!!!

  12. ....oh, my...I adore your updated "fresh" look for your blog

  13. look at you... your "so so lovelies" are on the front page of Etsy! woo hoo!

  14. A great post, April. I had my NC license renewed last summer, and the experience took FOREVER! Anyway, I'm just sad because I'm stuck with that horrible picture on my license for another 7 years. I'll have to see if I can remedy that situation. :)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.