Sunday, June 29, 2008

Only a Man....Go USA...and a GiveAway

Spring has come and gone.
I planted all of my flowers weeks, and I mean weeks ago.
What naturally follows, at least in my yard, is fresh mulch.
Well.........Not this least not yet....I keep nicely reminding G that I would take that truckload of mulch ANYTIME NOW.
Chloe and I went out yesterday for oh...I would say about an hour.
I arrived home to find G in the front yard
with a wheelbarrow of mulch.....spreading it in my beds.
What a guy....that made my day.
but wait...he did not have time to go get mulch...and he borrowed no one's truck.
Me: Hey...G...where are you getting that mulch from?
G: Oh......I'm getting it from the beds along the house and from the back beds and putting it up here...its all piled up back there anyway.

Well he can check that off his list and....I can't was working...and it was true...there was plenty of extra mulch in the other beds.
Only a man.......
Miss Chloe bug brought Mama some flowers....nothin' sweeter.
Whoa....I am suddenly very ready for the Summer Olympics.
I think Chloe and I will really enjoy watching it this more than Chloe, but, will be a good time. GO USA ~!!!

A GiveAway...this one is for the dog??

Win it for a friend.

One cutie pa-tootie leash

a fold-up travel bowl...this is just fabulous for long car drives...doggies get thirsty too...and of course you can use it for food.

4 rubber footie print magnets.

All New !!

Leave a comment on this post of your favorite childhood pet...didn't have one? What would you have loved to have?

Chloe will draw a winner on Wednesday !! Good Luck !!

have a happy day


  1. My favorite childhood pet was a cat named T.C. A great big fluffy orange cat! T.C. standed for Tom Cat. (original I know....i think my brother named him.....)
    Anyways, it's really ironic that I have such good memories of this cat, because today I really don't care that much for cats. T.C. was a very good pet though, and so here is my entry for the giveaway!
    Have a great week!

  2. My favorite childhood pet, which was my only i might add, was my bichon "casper" oh he was the best dog! so sweet & loveable & he used to sleep with me everynigh! We had to put him to sleep my senior year of highschool & it was one of the worst days of my life!! I still have a pic of him & I hanging up in my own house now & for my anniversary a couple of years ago my sweet hubby bought me a puppy bichon that we named "newman" I love him & he reminds me so much of my dog! ok now I am rambling so let me stop... pick me it's such a cute giveaway!!

  3. Oh Casey would love those items!!! Pick Casey, Pick Casey :)!!

    She is my beloved (only) little "girl" (aka my spoiled 7yr old weenie dog)...

  4. I never really had a childhood pet..that I can remember. But I do have my beloved Casey (7yr old mini weenie dog) that my sweet husband bought for me in our courtship. She could fit in his pocket of his shirt..She was surprise..and when I walked into his home, I could barely see her, she was so TINY. She is now 7 lbs and my little girl (since I am in a home full of boys)..She is just she IS MY DOG.

  5. you gonna include some of those yummy looking cookies in the givaway???

    i never had a pet-pet...i was a BIG TIME tom boy growing up and i had my own little wild animals, like frong, toads, worms, bugs, etc. Funny how i don't really like any of those yuckies now!

  6. well...let's favorite pet was my cat, Abby...lived for 22 yrs..she did. wow. she was only nice to me...i loved much.

    i will give the treats to my neighbor...she just got a new tea-cup dog and it is pets here yet. :)

    how's the whole house selling thing going?

  7. Mr. Nibbles was my childhood gerbil and he was the best! He was laid back and he loved to run around the house and sleep on a pillow beside the tv.I had him for 6 years which is a long time for a gerbil.

  8. Woohoo!! My favortie childhood pets were my brother and my turtles... they were named Donatello and Raphael - after the teenage mutant ninja turtles! And I remember one of them went in to hibernation under some of our blankets on the edge of the couch - and he never returned from his sleep! Ha! It still makes me laugh, even though it isn't funny he died...:0)

  9. The only pet I ever had was a hermit crab from our vacation at the beach. I named him Hermie (original, right???). I made him a mini BLT for lunch, and surprisingly, he "ran away" a day later (mom had to flush him). Mayo is not good for crustaseans apparently. LOL

    I love your website!!! Thanks for all of the inspiration. :O)

  10. my favorite childhood pet was my kitty named Queen! She was the sweetest most cuddly kitty ever.

    The doggy giveaway set is SO cute!!

  11. My one and only pet was a dog named Shadow. I remember going and picking her up when she was a puppy. She was a Weinmaraner and beautiful. She waited at the fence for us to come home from school. She loved to catch popcorn. She grew to a ripe old age. When she had arthritis and could barely move around and the vet said it was time, my dad and I took her to the vet. I rode in the back of the pick-up truck with her and rode with my dad upfront when it was over. We or I should say my dad, buried her in the back yard and her stone remains. She was the only pet I ever had and I still remember her vividly even though it brings tears to my eyes. There will never be another. Thanks.

  12. We had a toy poodle growing up that I really didn't care for too much. However, I currently have an Australian shephard named Bear that I totally adore . . .even though he has post traumatic stress due to living through a tornado. Any time it storms he goes bezerk. I swear he can hear it thunder 200 miles away! LOL!

  13. Doggie stuff??!!! Yes, Sissy would love it!

    When I was a kid, we had all kinds of dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, horses, rabbits, parakeets, and fish. But one that stands out is the pet raccoon, his name was Rascal. He was a great pet most of the time. When it would get mad, it kind of hissed like a cat and believe me, would scratch like one Also, we had a black baby lamb, so sweet! When we got him, he was young enough that we had to bottle feed him. He was a cutie and a great childhood memory! And I can't forget one of my favorite dogs, Molly. She was so good natured and the best pet you could ask for. She lived to be very old and I still miss her! Thanks for the giveaway!



Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.