Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is it Friday YET ?

Let me catch my breath.....ok I am not complaining.....well maybe I am.
Selling your house sucks.

Yesterday I got a house was showing in 2 hours....Oh great...I am 30 minutes from home and my house looks exactly like what it is.......a 3 year old's playground.

I sped home, ok not really mom, but yea . I washed ...folded ... dusted...wiped....vacuumed....straigtened....hid....grabbed the dog and busted out the door.

Went back to mom's(thirty minute drive) to kill the allotted hour...picked up Chloe and headed back home...Chloe the dog and I
oh where was Garren you ask.....on the golf course....figures !! footprints on the freshly vacuumed carpet....and Lei Lei is not sniffing......those losers didn't come. Sure enough after consulting with my realtor ... it was a no show. Could the other realtor not have even had the decency to call and let me know. Creep !!
Rumor has it his clients still want to see the house....guess what....they will see it on my time....I know that's ugly, but GEEEEZ....I will not drive all over tar nation and clean like a mad woman for him again.

Fast forward to today....another call...showing from 5:30 to 6:30
Hey...I can totally live with is already clean...just need to make sure there are no undies in the floor....grab the dog....grab the kid....grab the husband and GO.
NOPE nothing is that easy....another call....showing from 7-8.....well...I wanna sell my house so.....

why not....what does this mean you say?
All of us....yes the dog too....out and about for 3 hours.
You know this can't be all good.

Garren chooses this quaint little outdoor dining spot so we can take the dog......we were ran off by the flies. Good idea just didn't work out.

Next stop...somewhere we can take the not a park...its raining now....Ah Ha....a Pet Store.
Daddy: "Chloe....wanna take Lei Lei to a pet store?"
Chloe: " yea...I wanna go to the one with the cat and the dog ....not the ball"
See below......Kids crack me up....I know I say that all the time.....the things they notice and recall its astonishing at times.

So we went to PetCo the one with the cat and the dog.
this little fella we will never own....yea he's cute and all....but he is a mouse.

I WILL have a bird one day....and one of these beauties will do nicely.
Perfection. Do you just love that color or what ?
and Chloe wants one of these......I said yes, after we move....knowing full well she will hold me to it.
have you had a guinea did that go? thanks. Unless I could slip a few in that naughty realtor's cereal.....Mr. Unprofessional.

have a happy day


  1. ok, hello....yes, those orange birds are soooo pretty/cute...BUT, my dad used to have cockatiel birds and they were MESSY!!! I mean, poop and feathers and bird seed all over the place! It was not pretty. And, when I used to teach, we had an albino guinea pig names Belle that I ADORED. She was treated like a princess by me...I used to bathe her, clip and file her little claws, carry her around in a little baby blanket...she was spoiled rotten. THEN, I went on vacation one year and that left a substitute teacher caring for my make a long story short, she passed away while I was gone. Mhm, they said from natural causes. Right right!

    Moral of my story:
    Real life birds: NO go
    Guinea pig: SURE, but don't get too attached!

    Of course, these are just my humble opinions!

  2. Selling your house does suck! ha!ha! Good luck!

  3. oh...selling the house...awful. then, you have to hear what was good/bad about your house...when i was preggo with zeke, we were selling the house...and i was on strict bed rest...oh would have to clean the house and take luke outside for a walk and i had to stay there! and listen to all the comments about my house!!! blah...i just wanted to say...oh, and yes, the big preggo lady does not come with the house. oh,moving....

    praying it will sell fast!! :)

  4. Thank you for all of the stickers. I got them yesterday. Love the blog.

  5. You crack me up, April. Sorry for the super frustrating house stuff. We had the same experiences over and over a year ago when we sold our home.

    Hang in there, God has a wonderful plan for you and your family. The timing has to be just right...if only we knew what the timing was..



Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.