Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Just recently Chloe has been very curious about people with disabilities.
It began with a little girl at an outdoor water spray park who was missing part of her arm.
Chloe was one of a few kids that could not quit staring....and knowing my Chloe I knew she would be asking me abou it.
She did....and I didn't really know how to approach it....I did not want to make to big of a deal by going overboard with why it is unimportant ...... why it is not a factor in it does not she is a person just like her. I explained it as simply as I could....careful of the words I chose....after a few additional questions....we were all clear on the who what when where and why of people with disabilities.

Fast forward to today in our car on the way home....

Chloe: remember that guy at the beach that was walking with the stick.....part of his leg was gone?

Me: yea baby...I remember

Chloe: What was wrong with him?

Me: Well.... its not that something is wrong with him...he just has trouble walking ...he may have been born that way...or maybe he had an accident. Remember it does not matter....he is a person just like you and me.....and he gets happy and he gets sad....and he has good days and bad days...just like us ...and God loves all the people...and he wants us to do the same thing.

Chloe: Yea and....maybe God is just not done with his leg yet....He's not thru makin' him.

Me: Ya know Chloe....He is not done with any of us yet......

The sweetness and innocent curiosity of a child is so special and touching...don't ya think?
Mommy loves you Chloe....

Paw Pay Jerry left Chloe with these "runt" potatoes to play with today.....Nana said she entertained herself with them all day.
I told her to hold her favorite ones and let me get a picture....these are her favorite....the little red one's name is little red one.

The creativity of a child is just comforting.....happy with a cool-whip bowl full of simple...dont ya think?

As I was downloading Chloe's photos off of her personal camera...I found this one...what made her take this picture?

what was she thinking?

my bra and her teeny bikini...drying on the laundry room doors.

Silly kid.

The world thru a child's eyes.....refreshing...dont' ya think?


  1. LOL! I think I have that same bra---aren't kids grand?? I love hearin those adorable stories...makes me all happy inside!

  2. that is so sweet about chloe saying God isn't done makin' his leg:) my daughter has cp and has a difficult time doing normal 4 year old things and i think you explained it perfectly to her. there is nothing wrong with them they are people and they get happy and sad just like us:) thanks for being such a good mom to your daughter it makes me smile!

  3. I have always worked with kids in some way...whether it is teaching at school, sunday school, home daycare, MDO at church, volunteering at a foster home, adopting, fostering, on and on. People always think Im so great for doing all these things with these little people that wear us out so bad but I tell them I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching them and can count on them to TEACH me! If Im having a bad day they make me smile or laugh my head off. Kids are fabulous...ALL OF THEM..even the stinkers.
    The bowl of potatos made me think of a picture my grandma has of me and my cousin playing with a bowl of acorns, leaves and grass ALL DAY.

  4. What a precious response from both mommy and child! You are awesome...that was such a great answer! :)

  5. the leg story. Love your answers too. Chloe is so very precious.

    Never thought that potatoes could be entertaining. Thanks for opening my mind to new ideas. =-)

    Your birdie towels are so very adorable. Love the bath mat too. You create such whimsical and beautiful things, sweet April.



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