Sunday, May 4, 2008

My LOVE and My Sunday

this convo occurred before I tucked Miss Chloe in
Me: alright now I need you to do a better job listening you remember why you did not get to watch movies today?
Chloe:....cause I didunt listen
Me: but what did you do?
Chloe: I stuffed my mouth at Panera Bread
Me: right....and you know that mommy does not like for you to stuff half a bagel in your mouth at once and then show it to all of the diners...right?
Chloe: ...yes mommies....we only stuff animals...right? last night I was in my bedroom doing some straightening up and I heard this on the local news...." I love my coochie creme"......What?#!@!!!! did she just say coochie creme....on the local a city...where she knows people.....? I had to run downstairs to my laptop to see what she might be talking about....I wanna know what her neighbors might have been saying about her at that very moment.....yep..found it...Coochy Creme....oh well that's not so bad....sort of a relief...I suppose. I arrived home from my vacation to find this in my mailbox....its from Stinky Toes Design...I just had to have them...this girl, Amy finds the best stuff....I wish she was my neighbor so I could go along with her on all of here goodie hunts....these sweet blocks now live in Chloe's room...where they are usually re-arranged to spell ovel....or vleo....or voel...and you KNOW that drives me insane....
sweet goodies included once again....sweet little ring for Chloe....she put it on and said she was married now...thanks AMY !!
goodies from Elle's Studio......I love love love her stuff.....hop on over.
and these cuties came from here.
Searching for dead rollie pollies that have had their guts sucked out by spiders over-night in our kitchen....happens every year around this time.....all the while hoping to find a live one she can save...and if she does....she scoops it up and so very carefully and places it on the patio outdoors....and if she is in the mood she walks away....and if she in another mood completely...she smears it...I tell her if we kill an animal we really should eat it we don't kill animals for fun....dangit...I forgot believe everything...ooops
me and my baby....we love some flip flops and jeans......

for those of you who love bunnies....
come back tomorrow and see who won the $10 JaneSays bucks !!!
have a happy day


  1. kids say the CUTEST things!! People are always intrigued by why I work with kids but that is why!!! You never know what they are going to say or do and I ALWAYS learn more from them than I ever plan to. They are amazing and sweet...even the hard ones :)

  2. i am so glad you loved the blocks..they are my favorite, too. so glad they have a happy home! i just love your stories...


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