Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going Green...

Going Green...not the type of post you think this may be.....inspiration taken from here
I thought this looked like fun...and a great way to spend oh 5 minutes with we searched high and low on the lower level of our house and just outside for all things Green... buttons for a custom order I am working on....pardon the crusty button baking sheet.
Bag I am currently carrying...
Fully functional sanding can....because no water ever comes out of this....only sand.
Mmmm ....peas or nose plugs?
house for a tall slim bird...
one of 3 butterflies fluttering around our home...
my favorite storage area....all 3 full of dvds....the first 2 belong to Chloe...the last one in mine and daddy's....stay outta that one...(wink)....JOKIN' Mom.....we don't watch that stuff.
etsy tool cause I suck at math...
fairy tale wishing well...
key to mom's house....same key I have had since I was living there....that's an old key..
Honey BBQ chip me some honey bbq chips
ack !!! Housework...who has the time??
Chloe has her special me day at school today...that is what they do for kids whose birthday is during the summer...sorry no know I don't show my chap or anyones chap's sweet little face on here....let's just say it was are so dramatic these days, and yea you guessed it....I served Cheetos and m&m's that is all those kids will eat. It is so fun to watch your baby interact with her school friends....I sit there and imagine her thru-out all the grades...dealing with all the drama....oh boy !!
We have Chloe's gym class tonight....its one our favorite things to do...Chloe is such an athlete....she is leaps and bounds ahead of the pack and so much fun to watch.....bragging I know...but I just think she ROCKS !!
Hoping to have more towels and other goodies in the shop soon.....having a busy Custom order week.

have a happy day


  1. Hey, thanks for the link to my blog. Checked YOU out. Fun post. I was thinking about what you said about seeing your kids interact with other kids at school. I think that's one thing I am in awe about - they are their own little independant beings when they are not with you - I like the little "sneak peak" I get every once in awhile.

  2. yeah....I just thought of that, come to think of it! Why doncha show your beautiful self?? Love all the green! My fav color ever!!

  3. your post had me laughing out loud...girl, you are FUNNY. green peas? blah? i don't even make my kiddos eat them...we are big fruit and meat eaters...and we take vitamins!


  4. Hi sweetie. Love all your fab. green photos. Looked like such a fun game. xoxoxoxoxoxxo

  5. I loved the green sneak peeks! I think I liked it because I like being nosy - and I feel I just got to spy through your house! Hehehe! You should show us more! And I've said it before - but I love that room with the green DVD baskets! It is sooo magazine worthy!! :0)

  6. Ooo...yummy buttons and I'm LOVING the birdhouse...:)

  7. Hi, April. What a fun idea! I might just try this with my little guy this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!



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