Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to Life.....Back to Reality.....

Miss me??...I missed each and every one of you....we had a super duper vacation !!

For Starters....I am throwing a BOGO SALE at JaneSays....hop on over for details and then pick you out a thing or two.
I will be announcing the winner of my vacation contest on MONDAY....stay tuned !!! about a little vacation talk.....

Some funny things were said at the beach....
Chloe : "Mom...when are you gonna put on my sunscream?

Chloe: at every restaurant...."do we have to wait long here?"

Chloe: at every restaurant..."can you bring me some cheese?"...."can you bring me some more cheese?"

Garren: "Did this chair just bend?" - yea I have a photo of his fannie on the sand bent chair and all....but he has threatened maybe I can sneak it in later....

Coolest thing ever...G and C caught a REAL...and by real I ALIVE starfish....very very hurry and get her back in the water...just like rollie pollies and ladybugs...she has a family and must go back.

did you know seagulls eat jellyfish??...they do......and goldfish will see later.

Chloe's first putt putt adventure...she thought it was too hard and wanted to play an easier course...she drug the ball into the hole a lot........ and she gave up a lot....and see succeeded too !!!!

at least one morning we always get Krispey Kreme dounts....delish !!!

the more toys the better...right?

Yes....we are that annoying family that feeds the seagulls.....these are flying about 2 feet above my head....YIKES !!
they loved goldfish.....

Chloe completely enjoyed this....
After the feeding had ended...they stalked case you wonder...he is dressed because it was CHILLY !! He is not that weird guy on the least not yet. So...Chloe came to the conclusion that she can no longer eat super loops...better known as fruit loops that have brown stuff on them....quirk number ...oh I am losing count.

a cutie-pa-tootie beach house I saw when we were taking a drive....
this ball just turned up at our beach house.....don't really think grandpa brought it around...maybe my brother....anyway....Lei Lei loves this ball....... XXX.....Lei dirty dog !! It always gives us a good laugh.

nothing like riding beside Chloe......Lei Lei could have benefited greatly from a sedative.
So I am so glad to be back....hope you enjoyed the bits, pieces and spurts of my vacation......
now don't forget to go by JaneSays for the BOGO SALE !!
have a happy day


  1. i havent been coming to your blog that long but long enough to miss you TERRIBLY!!!!! I love your creativity daily and missed it so much. Glad your back... one ?, whats a bogo sale?
    You shared such cute things your kiddo said it reminded me of one my 11 yr. old said. I got so excited because shes at an age where most things that come out of her mouth ARE NOT cute so when she said this I was tickled to pieces....
    Her school went to a museum. She was so excited to tell me they saw a baby monkey that was preserved in a jar that still had its "biblical cord"

  2. ok, Im a dork. If I had gone over to Janesays I would have found out what a BOGO sale

  3. Oh, how I missed ya! I loved hearing - and seeing - all about your vacation! You make me laugh laugh laugh! And you have to frame that starfish picture! With Chloe's little pink polka dots in the back! Ah! So cute!

  4. Great pictures!! Felt like I was there! Super cute starfish pic, too. Glad you had fun!


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