Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Naughty Girls and more

Tuesday...I am gonna find a new fondness for Tuesdays...I am taking Tuesdays off now to spend more time with Chloe...I work for my family's business so this was fairly easy for me to work out...I'm a little spoiled that way. So Chloe and I had a big day....I wanted it to be bigger...but we awoke AGAIN to grey skies and rain...blah.
We started our morning in my bathroom .... me getting ready and Chloe walkin' her new tightrope, the edge of my garden tub .....tears my nerves up...but she loves it...so I grit my teeth and watch. OK everyone dressed let's go....I warmed the car up for us...now picture this...we go out to get in...Chloe is already around on her side and as I go around she is inhaling..DEEPLY..the fumes...and saying Mmmmm that smells good don't it mommy?? Oh boy...its gonna be a fun day. Before I go any further.....my first naughty girl of the day....Ms. Crystal....if you have not been yet...go now...HERE...I am still not over that wiener's April Fool's Day Prank...so goody goody I think it is kinda funny ..you wanted to see fridges...well here is mine ...hahahahaha (evil laugh)..we are selling our house so I can't really have my fridge all dolled up...trust me it normally is....how ya like that fridge Ms. naughty girl number one.......
Next stop...Target....oh beloved Target...nobody does my wallet quite like you.......notice the little pile of white sorta clear things in the bottom left corner....ok...read on

Home from Target...here is my powder room...let's call it the before shot

Enter Chloe with tiny white things from Target...glow in the dark dinosaurs....everybody needs some...doncha' think..."mommy...my dinosaurs are in the sink...come see"....photo op...look real close you can see em'......"Oooooh yea honey ....looky the do glow"...mommy exits powder room....

Crash....."Mommy...accident"...so scroll back up to the before........uh huh...my bamboo....time for lunch naughty girl number two.
Chick-Fil-A...cant go wrong there....they were giving out these....their new caramel coffee shake...DELISH...Chloe and I both had them sucked down before the left the parking lot...don't look at me like that...these cups are only 2.5 inches tall....Chloe thought she was a big girl..."mommy..this coffee is so good"
Something is happening here.....
and here....go to the shop to see

and Chloe's payment to me for entertaining her all day...bead sorting while engrossed in Stuart Little....she loves it....
Then....at 2:30...it was as if mother nature said APRIL FOOLS .....it "IS" spring you wiener.........ya'll know grass does not look like that when it is cloudy....here comes the sun...woooo hooooo !!
have a happy day


  1. OOOOOH MY Goodness! Am I actually FIRST to post a comment on your most AWESOME blog today!!???? Whooowhoooo!
    Love the narrative read...you are so hilarious....and I was tricked yesterday by C...she did GOOD!...ANyhoo...how do you like your CAD II??...I finally played with mine some yesterday...I have had it since HSC had them ( or was it QVC?)..I would appreciate any tips!!...creative blessings, Debbie

  2. Um...why does your house look like a page out of the Pottery Barn? Seriously, it is way cute. And, the clean fridge? Wow.


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.