Saturday, April 5, 2008

Living In Rain Boots

Seriously...this has to be the last day of grey skies and rain...we are living in rain boots...not my footwear of choice.....I love you flip flops....I love you I love you I love you....our love affair is being put off for way too long. check it....the sky...nice huh?

Here is the only sunny golden goodness within and eye shot today....notice the blue grey hue.

Chloe's dinner...she woke up in a very good mood from a very late in the day nap...and wanted, after seeing that many on the plate changed it to 7 pancakes...and some syrup....and a wet paper towel for her hands. It was that kind of day...I let her have pancakes for dinner. The fun part.....combing the syrup out of her hair later.

So here is what we did today....Garren did the crossword...he is hiding it in case anyone reading my blog should want to cheat off of his paper....dork !!

Chloe is going to see how to work my new camera....thanks baby !!

I made more of these.....look for them in the shop sometime this week.

but...that was not the excitement of the day....some very good...super duper...friends of ours spent the afternoon lounging out and basking in the greyish blue hue hanging in the house...their daughter Isabella and Chloe had a grand ole time as usual.

Speaking of is the latest thing she does that just irks me....Yes sometimes my child irks me...what ...your doesn't. So Chloe has a HUGE VIVID imagination and I wholly encourage that most of the time...she loves to pretend she is some of her favorite characters....Boo from Monsters Inc......Diego.....Winnie actually Linny..but we call her Winnie from the Wonder Pets......a Pollen Jock from The Bee Movie.......Ruby or Max from Max and anyway the irksome behavior is occurring when she is Winnie....I call it GPS Guinea Pig Status....for some reason she wants my validation and acceptance that she has morphed into Winnie the Guinea she will say "mom...I'm winnie ok??" I say "ok"...she then tells me over and over and over....I think she has began to sense that there are times when I need her to be Chloe so when she in not Chloe she wants to push all of my buttons making darn well sure I know her Guinea Pig Status (GPS)

2 more beautiful packages from One Ripe Peach...I am completely addicted to this shop...all of its goodies...and the extras in each package.....treat yourself to something lovely...go now !

have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. ooooooOoooOoO, those yellow M's look sooo good! I wish ihad them right here right now! love em! whatta a pretty pic (even if there is a lil grey mixed in)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.