Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cookies, Mom,Cottages,and a Skirt

Unbelievable...these cookies turned out just perfect I had to mention it again....Ashley...I will post the recipe as soon as I get the details down from my that does sound strange...I mean I can see getting details on the ballgame time or what that orange spot on the carpet is...but on a recipe...sheeeesh..what is my household coming to?? delish.....
ok...Shhhhh...this package is my MOM's Mother's Day mom reads my blog so this is all I can show you here...please if you are NOT MY MOM click HERE to see what treasure is in this box......MOM....DO NOT CLICK THE WORD HERE.....DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT MISSY !!!!
So this afternoon I was flipping thru my mom's copy of Cottage Living...and some of the pages made me think.....
SIT DOWN....Get your feet outta that chair !! ....ah.....just like when I say it around here...she is still standing in the chair

Been there ... done that....Crystal...look familiar ??
I need that teal Flamenco Umbrella.....ummmm and a nice BIG terrace and a BIG pitcher of Iced Sweet Tea....oh and some SUNSHINE would be nice.....any day now...yes...we are still grey here.

Whatever that is on the foot of that bed....need that too.

I have mentioned this little magazine once, SKIRT.....if its in your area....pick it up. You will love it.
have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. hey there sister...those cookies look way yummy...going to buy some ingredients to make some with the boys with the boys always makes me laugh...clean up, not so much. :)
    love the mom's day gift..great idea. isn't that artist great?
    off to TARGET...oh, please don't let the boys cry when I shop the clearance racks...


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.