Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 Things about me that you could give a hoot about....

This is our beautiful Japanese maple....
I was tagged by Allikaye's mom...Ashley....ya know...the good thing about a tag is I can pretty much make a whole post out of it....so I will fill you in on Together Tuesday tomorrow...what did Chloe and I get into...and what did we buy???

ok...now 6 things about me you could give a hoot about...

1. I love love love taking the lint off of the dryer vent...I let it pile up...I know fire hazard...but I love when it gets thick....I have pondered saving it in a baggie.

2. I sleep with my tv on....all night...I can't fall asleep without it on...and if Garren turns it off I can sense it...I wake up and turn it back on. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I have to change the channel to Nick at Night...its scary what comes on the local channels after 2 in the morning.

3. I can only write with blue ink.....I hate the look of my handwriting in black ink....honestly I can't do it.

4. I am a chicken snob....I wont eat to close the the bone....... and on tenders or breasts I cant eat near any part that was attached to the chicken....so I kinda eat the center .

5. I am totally allowed to drive my car on E...but my husband will get a yellin' if he does.

6. When I need to have a confrontation with someone or discuss something serious and of great importance I rehearse in my car.

Now see...you don't care....do ya?

have a happy day


  1. ok. that is too funny. fun post!

  2. I have to agree with you on the chicken thing...I won't even eat a chicken leg...just the thought of seeing a vein, let alone having one in my mouth!!!BARF!

    Sorry, that was a little gross :)

  3. Very cool and rondom! I found your blog on my SIL, Raising Allikaye's, blog. I totally enjoyed reading!

    I can relate to the fact that I don't like writing in black ink either. My handwriting is so much better with blue ink.

  4. You made me laugh about the "buttitos" on my blog! I will forever think of that every time I eat a burrito! And I liked learning unimportant stuff about you, mi amiga!!! I'm a little concerned about the TV thing...we'll talk later...:0)

  5. Too funny! I loooove sleeping with the TV on! And when Michael is away, i have all the lights on in the house (outside too)! How dorky!


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