Thursday, March 27, 2008

You will not believe....

Ladies...and gents .... if I have any gentleman readers....Garren put the train in the car for me yesterday...can you believe...I think the booger came downstairs while I was getting ready for dinner and read my blog....he says he didn't but come on...what are the chances?? Yes (I am jumping up and down) the charger is out of my lime bowl...welcome back nice and springy bowl of limes. If all it takes to get stuff done around here is me mentioning it on my blog......oh the magical powers of the car is so back could sure use a ribbon basket is way outta let's see what happens.

Working Mother... Now is that redundant or what?!? The caped one doing some chalk art on this sunny ....warm..... just downright lovely day !! The Easter Bunny brought her enough chalk to last until she is driving...she will be able to mark off her own parking place in the driveway.

This is where we ate dinner last night...I love a burger and fries...sorry you health concious ones I dont mean to make you squeamish.....The What-A-Burger....this place has the best burgers and oooh ooooh crispy fries. I would send all of you one if I could....if you are ever down this way...find a What-A-Burger and chow will be glad you did.

Beautiful beautiful Lovely lovely Sweet sweet...package in the mail today....One Ripe Peach...this girly knows how to do it know the package is good when you dont wanna unwrap it...oh but I had to....because this lovely lace was inside...the yellow I purchase...the other was a freebie. I love love love this yourself a favor and GO now.

I am not picking go now...just the most dainty tags you will ever see.

Little outside time for Lei Lei...and yes mr. ball comes too.

have a happy day


  1. Ohhh, that lace is pretty! I love when my packages come all wrapped up with little extras too! :)
    Have a fabulous day, April!

  2. I just love your posts!!! Just wanted to say that!!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.