Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Today and Yesterday...

The preschool egghunt was over as quick as it began...several dozen eggs are nothing 12 three olds can't handle. The hunt is held on the playground because they want to keep the kids sort of the options are very limited..eggs were just lying on the ground in plain view. I saw a lot of parental kid found more eggs than your kid...about 30 seconds into it we were all shoooing our kids towards eggs...they were all standing there opening them to see what was inside...and oh my gosh...eggs are just lying at their feet...."Chloe...there's one ...get can open those to Mom...its a friggin egg hunt...let her have some fun......Wooooo Hoooo We Got The Most !!!!!!! This is what I was requested to bring for the party...these kids love love love Cheetos...they can destroy a whole bag. I always want to bring you know these kids will hardly eat a cupcake....WHAT??!!??

Mrs. Birdy...well if you have been reading you know she has been having much trouble getting her nest to stay on this ledge. Yesterday my mom and I were putting her pieces back up there using tongs...we didnt know if she would come back if we touched it....then she would come back and work a while and when she would fly off she would drag the nest down with frustrating...I was so upset for her. So when honey got home yesterday I said we have to do something....we did this (see photo)...she has a quite a pad now in bird terms...her home is 24 square it up she is. Happy to say when I got home today...we have a nest and a couple of happy Momma...sit there and be still and do your job.

In the mail yesterday...some good reads. Paper love love looking at all the creations. Parents....Hmmmm..what am I doing wrong now?? Now in the mail TODAY...the SWEETEST package arrived from C and her Little Moses for my little Chloe......Girl Thank you soooo much. I will photograph the goodies tomorrow because it is completely grey here today and let it be known these goodies deserve the brightest light. Chloe is over the moon with everything...and you are the most special human being I have came across in quite a while.

Sitting here tonight doing this....7 of these are heading to their new home Friday...the rest will be in the shop soon.

have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. how SMART is that little ledge? whatta lucky mama bird she is, i hope her endeavors are blessed!!! :D


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