Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Time Change....Grrrrrrrrr

OK...are your kids totally screwed up and crazy as a result of the time change...at least I am pretty sure that is our problem.
My mom (she keeps Chloe while I work my cushy job) said Chloe was so very wild yesterday....well she was so very wild at bedtime last night. Bath....lotion and hair....pajamas...books....night light....radio ( on the current top 20 mind you, Chloe loves music)....night night Chloe....close the door. Downstairs I go where my sewing machine and some felt are waiting......"Mommmmmmmmm...there is a monster coming to get me".....upstairs....Chloe its alright...yada yada yada....downstairs....."Mommmmmmmmmmmm ....I'm scared ...I hear helicopters"....obviously she was pulling out all the stops so I struck a deal "You can come down...watch one episode of Max and Ruby then its back to bed" ok...deal. WRONG...Chloe never made it back to her bed she stayed up with Garren and I until 10.00-ish...we made her a bed on our floor...she cut flips...and flopped...and sighed (real loud) and asked silly quesitons the kind that have no answer..... Ahhh....11.30 finally the little one was out......oh great now I can't sleep...maybe it was the fact that I was sandwiched between to LOUD snorers...thanks Chloe and Garren....so I just laid there and made crafts in my head. Darn time change !!

Have a happy day !

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