Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I need a nap or a vacation or something...

I am sorry I have no exciting, funny and generally up-lifting post for today. I am sitting here in bed...Chloe is beside me because it was just easier to say ok and Garren is in the playroom playing football with someone online.

Today was just chaotic...busy..non-stop I wish I could have gotten at least one fun photo with an interesting story to show you but I didn't....I barely had time to go potty. Here is the only photo on my camera from today it was for Shelly of Lily Eden and Lemon Tree Studio...she wanted to know the best adhesive to use with acrylic albums and I made her this lovely photo and sent it on its merry way to her. Oh but don't think that was the excitement of my day....oh NO...I had enough family drama to go around today...want some?? Glad today is over ...onward to Wednesday.

Speaking of Wednesday let's examine my Wednesday to do list

buy more robin's egg blue lace

go to the post office...woooo hoooo

Look for some fun paper for Sam...hi Sam !!

clean house...I think we are showing it this week...if you did not know..its for sale

throw out chocolate bunnies also known as Chloe's lunch

avoid family drama like the plague

go buy fun fabric to entice me to sew

don't eat chick-fil-a for lunch again

paint my toenails or pay someone to do so

I will try really really hard to have exciting and fun photos for tomorrows post......

have a happy day


  1. family drama...my cure? caller id. hope you are having a better start to your wed...post the fun finds you get! I love fun finds...last night I dreamed I went to an amazing estate sale and bought LOADS of vintage fabric for like nothing. Funny, huh? :)

  2. Hi April! I went to the scrap store today--couldn't wait til Friday hee hee. Well they didn"t have any of that adhesive..:( i'm going to try Archiver's on Friday and see what's there! Thank you again for the info! I love reading your blog everyday!


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